“Well I didn’t want to be presumptuous and say this was our third date.”

“Our third date? How do you figure that, pray tell?”

“Pray tell?” he laughs. “I really like you Moth-girl.”

“Whatever,” I grumble, reaching up and pinching off a bite of my muffin and refusing to enjoy the fact that Gavin O’Leary said he liked me. “Explain this whole third date thing.”

“Our first date was obviously in high school.”

“I don’t think that can be classified as a date.”

“Of course it was.”

“Um. No. No it was not. I was there alone. We talked at the football field and you left me when your actual date came outside looking for you,” I remind him.

“That’s semantics,” he smirks, taking another bite of my muffin—and looking really good doing it. The bastard.

“You are seriously unhinged,” I sigh, enjoying this conversation way too much.

“I’m also double jointed. I’ll show you that later,” he winks.

“Be still my heart,” I sigh dramatically, rolling my eyes heavenward, which causes him to laugh and give me a big smile that makes it feel like I’m the only girl in the room. That in turn makes my damn heart speed up and my panties wet.

Which is annoying!

“Date number two obviously happened when you plowed me over in the alley.”

“Excuse me? I plowed you over?”

“Damn straight. I can’t remember ever seeing a more beautiful woman. I was plowed over…blown away, knocked on my ass, my socks were knocked off, I—”

“I get the picture. You’re way too smooth, have I mentioned that?”


“It wasn’t actually a compliment,” I mutter.

“I’m only saying, I agree. This is our third date, not first. But there’s so much pressure with a third date and expectations. I was trying to go easy with you.

“Pressure? Expectations?”

“Of course. You know it’s an unwritten rule that the girl is duty bound to put out by the third date.”

“Oh my God.”

“Hey, I was trying to give you a little slack since the time between our first and second date was so large.”

“Thoughtful of you, really.”

“I’m a prince of a man,” he says with a wink.

“It might surprise you, Gavin, but I have never put out on the third date in my life.”

“So you’re saying I’m your first?”

“I…How am I supposed to deal with you?”

“Agree to go out with me tonight. If you say yes, I won’t even expect us to have sex.”

“That’s so sweet.”

“You have no idea. My dick is getting tired of my hand. I’m willing to make the sacrifice, however.”

“If I agree to this date, will you leave me alone to enjoy my morning in peace?”

“Now, I ask you Moth-girl, is that really what you want?”

“I wanted my muffin, but that ship has sailed,” I answer him, watching as he finishes the last crumb of it.

“True, but I’ve proved something to myself.”

“I’m afraid to ask, but I can’t seem to stop myself. What did you prove?”

“That you have the sweetest muffin I ever tasted,” he grins. I open my mouth to say something in response, but then shut it quickly when I realize I have no idea what to say. Instead I take a drink and do my best not to blush.



I double check the address from my notes. This is the right place, but I’ll be in line all night. I don’t do fancy restaurants. That may be odd considering I live in the city of stars—but it’s true. I tend to live on the outside of tinsel town—and happy to do so. Realizing that the restaurant Gavin gave me the address for is Quantum does nothing to calm my nerves. Quantum is the hippest sushi—which I hate—restaurant around. I don’t understand the draw.

I’ve been nervous ever since I agreed to go out with Gavin. The fact the date is going to happen at somewhere I’d never go does nothing to calm me. I take out my phone as I look once more at the line. I should probably warn Gavin that I’m probably going to be at least three hours late.

Hey. In line but I’m so far out it may be three hours before I even get close to the door. Maybe we should try to get together some other night.

In my head—while I’m typing my text—my brain is going maybe we should get together never. That would be the smart thing. I don’t know why I agreed to this in the first place.

What was I thinking?

The answer to that is that I wasn’t thinking. I rarely ever have when Gavin O’Leary is involved. I stare at my phone. He’s not responding. It’s very possible he’s not even here himself—or maybe he’s texting a backup date in case I don’t show. I mean, Gavin is a player. I know that. I knew it all those years ago when we were in high school and I had a huge crush on him. I used to daydream that he’d wake up and see me one day and instantly fall madly in love with me.