I reach over and grab my cellphone and sift through my contacts until I find my attorney’s private number.

“Damn it, man, it’s 5:30 in the morning. This better be good.”

I smirk at the sound of annoyance in Marty’s voice. Asshole has probably been awake for hours. Although, I’m going to be honest, I had no idea it was so early. I was more interested in making my dick happy.

“I found my wife,” I tell him, not bothering to call him a liar or finding out how long he’s been awake.

“I figured that was it, since I never hear from you unless you want something from me.”

“You don’t complain when you cash my retainer check every month, asshole,” I remind him, putting him in his place. I don’t let people talk down to me, and I sure as hell refuse to let someone on my payroll do that shit.

“I’m getting ready to raise that bill. What do you need from me?” he asks, finally getting down to business.

“Can you fax me whatever Faith needs to sign to make this annulment happen?”

“All shit aside, Titan, man, are you sure this is what you want?” he asks and, without realizing it, my gaze travels to the closed bathroom door.

“Why would you even ask that shit?” I ask Marty, but I know. Marty doesn’t like the plan Cora and I have in play. Marty might try to act like a mercenary motherfucker, but he never quite pulls it off.

I’m starting to wonder if I can.

“Because at least you get along with this bitch, which is more than I can say for the future Mrs. Marsh. Maybe this happened for a reason,” he answers, being plain spoken—like he always is with me.

“It did and that reason was a starved dick, a hungry pussy and a fuckload of tequila.” I lay it out for him, but I feel a little guilty talking about Faith like that.

Which is crazy. I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true… mostly.

“I’ll fax the annulment papers. Have Faith sign them and I’ll get them filed. You can be a free man by the end of the week.”

“Sounds good. Thanks, Marty.”

“I wouldn’t thank me. Basically I’m just doing this so you can get married again and really fuck up your life. I’m doing you no favors,” he adds and I rub the back of my neck in frustration.

“Nice, man—real nice.”

“Just calling it like I see it. Give me the damn number.”

I get out of bed and go to the desk. It takes me a minute to find the binder with the hotel information, but I get it and then give him the number. We exchange a few more words and I hang up.

Walking back into the main room, I can’t stop myself from staring at the bathroom door. I try to get Marty’s words out of my head. This is all for the best. Faith and I had one night of drunken sex after a very big mistake.

That’s it.



“What are you doing?” Titan asks for the hundredth time.

We are at a Waffle House, and after breakfast I pulled out the papers Titan gave me and started going over them. That was about fifteen minutes ago and Titan keeps asking me what I’m doing—which means I haven’t read very much at all and he’s starting to annoy me.

“I’m trying to read—if you would quit interrupting me,” I grumble.

“What is there to read? You just sign the damn thing and this is done,” he growls. I frown up at him.

Maybe it’s silly, but his constant griping about these papers and wanting our marriage to end is really starting to hurt my feelings. I mean, come on, I have my faults, but geez Louise. I’m not that bad.

“I’m reading because it’s a legal document. My parents didn’t teach me a lot—mostly because my mom was crap and tied my dad in knots. My dad was always trying to undo those knots and did that until the day he died, so there wasn’t much room for him to teach us life’s lessons. Which means, Big Daddy, those lessons came harsh at the hands of fate—who is a fickle bitch at best. Still, one of those life lessons was you don’t sign any kind of contract unless you read it first. So, and I’m only repeating myself here because you’ve been an ass, I’m reading.”

“What’s to read?”

“I’m ignoring you, but the more you talk the longer it will take me to read,” I warn him. I hear him groan under his breath and want to giggle. I can admit it—at least to myself—it’s fun to annoy Titan. When I finish reading, I get this feeling of dread. It sits in the pit of my stomach. I pick up the pen and stare at the line where my signature is supposed to go.