“It’s okay. After all, we’re married,” he jokes but the moment has passed and I ignore the sparkle in his eye because I’m slowly coming back to reality.

“Not for very long since you’re supposed to be calling your lawyer,” I respond. Then I hold up my hand, bringing his up as I do it. I shake it slightly. “Can you undo these? I need to go pee.”

He frowns, the light dimming in his eyes—which is sad, but necessary. He shifts underneath me—a movement that causes his cock to push deeper against me. It takes a supreme effort, but I ignore how good that feels. His hand shuffles through the drawer and comes out with a key. In a movement that is too practiced and smooth, he undoes the lock. It would be best not to dwell on that particular talent that Titan has.

“Your wish is my command,” he says and I push up from him, sliding off his body.

“Thanks,” I mumble and walk quickly to the restroom. It takes effort not to run. I need away from him that much. Once I shut the door, I collapse against it. My heart is hammering against my chest. I’m not ready for Titan. My sisters are right. I am stupid when it comes to men. You would think after the mess I was in with Brad I wouldn’t have even looked at another man—let alone marry him. I go to the sink and look in the mirror. “You’re a stupid girl,” I tell my reflection as I splash water on my face.

Through the door I hear Titan moving around. That nervousness in my stomach tightens. I made a huge mistake with Brad. He was a pretty boy and did his best to impress me at every turn—until he didn’t. I thought he was strong; someone I could trust. He was as weak as they come. He taught me a lesson and he taught it hard. I will never forget that lesson; it’s deep inside of me now. It bubbles to the surface when I least expect it.

It surfaced the morning I left Titan and Vegas in my rearview mirror. That was the main reason I ran away without a word. Now, standing in front of a mirror and the harsh florescent light of the bathroom, I can feel that same fear bubbling up.

There’s only one major difference.

I’m not thinking of running right now. I’m thinking of going back in there and climbing into Titan’s bed and taking him up on his offer—and that brings a fear bigger than anything I’ve ever felt. I have to be out of my mind.

But am I?

Titan is nothing like Brad, as near as I can tell. Brad is a “pretty” boy, smooth as a California coastline. There’s nothing smooth about Titan, except the way his body moves as it powers into me—which is better not to think about right now. Still, Titan is rough around the edges. He doesn’t feed you lines; he just plain tells you like it is. I never wonder where I’m standing when it comes to Titan. With Brad I always did—even when I thought I came first to him.

I shut down my thoughts. I have to.

I’m actually considering….

What? Keeping Titan? He tracked me down to get a divorce. Even if I wanted to keep him, he doesn’t want me.

That reminder is like a slap in the face and brings me back down to earth quick. I turn on the shower with a shake of my head. Titan will get in touch with his lawyer and have papers for me to sign and it will be over. Then I’ll jump in my car and head to Arkansas.

I’ll leave Titan behind and I’ll do it for good this time.

I have to.



I hear the shower come on and close my damn eyes. There was a moment there I thought Faith was going to take me up on my offer. It was an offer I had no business making, but one I hoped like hell she’d say yes to. Fuck, the time for thinking with my dick should be over—but here I am. I have no excuses, absolutely none. I’m not a young kid hitting the field with a buffet of pussy waiting for me to fill up my plate and come back for seconds. There’s never been a shortage of women in my life. I’ve enjoyed many, but Faith is different. Sounds fucking crazy as hell, but it’s true. I’ve never had this strong of a reaction to a woman before. Maybe it’s because we’ve had sex and I can’t remember all of it. Maybe it’s because what I can remember is fucking phenomenal and I want more—only this time I want to do it sober and savor every second. That’s not going to happen today. I rub my dick, wishing this morning had gone down differently. It’s probably for the best. I have to get my head in the game. It’s time to go about making my wife an ex-wife instead of trying to get between her legs again.