“You’ve been in the shower for over an hour.”

“Was I under a time limit?” He crosses his arms and stares at me, but says nothing. “I’m not good at mind reading. Was I supposed to adhere to some sort of unannounced schedule?”

“Do you always start talking prissy when you get pissed?”

“Believe it or not, I never got pissed much until you came into my life.”

“I don’t believe it.” He grins.

“Suit yourself.”

“What if I wanted to shower?” he asks, and it’s clear he’s not going to leave, so I walk around him to the sink and grab the toiletries bag I left there earlier.

“Then have at it… Big Daddy.”

“I doubt there will be any hot water left,” he says and since it was cold when I turned it off, I’m pretty sure he’s right.

“Oh well, we can’t have everything, obviously. If we could I’d be in Arkansas.”

“And I’d be single,” he agrees and that kind of hurts, but I ignore it. Not like I wanted to be married to him. Still, no girl wants to feel like being married to her is one of the worst things that could happen to a man.

I decide to shut him out and since he won’t leave, towel off. He’s seen my body before and obviously if being married to me is so horrible, doesn’t care to repeat any of the things we did together. I prop my leg up on the toilet and begin drying and it’s then I feel my skin warm. I look up and Titan is staring at me and he’s not bothering to hide the hunger on his face. It makes me feel flushed, confused and more than a little turned on.

“Titan?” I ask and I ignore how husky my voice sounds.

“On second thought, a cold shower sounds good,” he growls.

Then it’s my turn to watch as he sheds his clothes and jumps under the cool spray. I have to force myself not to watch the entire show. The look on his face and his obviously hard cock all spell trouble with a capital T. That’s the only reason I throw on my clothes and all but run out of the room, unable to play it cool any more. I grab the comforter and a pillow off the bed and go to the sofa. I lay down on it without bothering to pull out the mattress it hides. I’m determined to be unavailable when Titan gets out of the shower. I know sleep will be a long time coming—for one thing, it’s still early. I vow, however, that I’ll pretend I’m asleep if Titan comes around.

I don’t think I can talk to him right now. There’s just no way, not while my mind is full of pictures of him naked.



“What are you doing?” Faith grumbles. Her voice sounds sleepy, but I’d lay odds on the fact that she wasn’t really asleep. I’ve pulled her up against my body, her legs hanging off one of my arms and her neck and head hanging off the other. Her ass is rubbing against my stomach and I wish it was a little lower—even if I shouldn’t.

I have been remembering our wild night of sex—our wedding night—repeatedly while trying to find Faith. Each memory I began having was better and more explicit than the one before. Still, I was way too drunk to have terrific recall. Mostly I remembered the things we did and said. Details were indeed fuzzy. The glimpses I got of her body in the bathroom earlier—of that fucking fantastic ass and those cock-stand inducing legs—heated through my system with the force of a wildfire, burning me from the inside out. Faith is danger and I’d be wise to leave her alone… Instead I’m carrying her to my bed and giving new meaning to the term playing with fire.

“You’re not sleeping on the couch,” I tell her and if my voice sounds pissed it’s her fault.

“You’re giving up the bed?” she says, her voice filled with pleasure. “That’s so sweet. I may have misjudged you, Titan. We should begin again. We can be friends this time,” she whispers, her face burrowing into my neck as she loops her arms around me. I roll my eyes, not bothering to reply. I don’t understand women, never really pretended to, but this one is in a category all her own and I really don’t get her. I put her on the left side of the bed and then walk around to the other one and slide under the covers. “Titan!” she shrieks as I pull the covers up over us.

“Tone it down, woman. You’ll have management after us.” I yawn out the words. I’ve been out of the shower for hours. I’ve been watching television and waiting for my body to warm up after the cold water. Now I’m tired, still cold and so damned horny my dick aches. All of these things are Faith’s fault, so I’m not fooling with her shit.