“They made it out of his boobs,” Faith says serenely, her face looking like she’s discussing the Pope. Fuck, she’s as crazy as her aunt who kept dancing with me at Aden’s funeral… Wedding… Whatever.

“Out of his boobs?” Leroy clearly can’t believe it. Maybe he has a few brain cells left.

“Holy shit,” the sheriff adds.

“Oh yeah. He had huge boobs. What was it you said they were, Big Daddy? Triple Ds? He showed me a picture of them when he was confessing his secret to me. He easily rivaled Dolly Parton,” Faith says and at this point, I’m just watching her mouth move to see what comes out of it next. Aden warned me to watch out for the Lucas clan—clearly I had no idea. It makes me wonder how in the hell White seems so freaking normal.

“Dolly has some great tits, that’s for sure,” Leroy responds and I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t start foaming at the mouth. “You could bury your dick in those for days,” he jokes.

“Yeah. That’s enough,” I growl. I bend down and wrap my arm around Faith’s legs and throw her over my shoulder.

“Titan! Put me down!” she cries.

“See you later, boys,” I mutter, praying I never do. “Time for me to take my wife home and show her just what a real man she did marry.”

“You can’t do this!”

“Sheriff! Help me!”

They either don’t answer or her screaming drowns them out. I don’t really care which one it is. I walk to my car, open the door and all but throw her inside.

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” she huffs.

“You get out of this car you’re in trouble. Because when I catch you, Faith—and I will—you’ll be sorry. Now I stood there for fucking-ever and let you convince two ass-fuck clowns that I’m not a man. I got to tell you, wife, I was mad before, but I’m at my limit now. So sit here like a good little girl or you won’t like how I retaliate.”

With that, I slam the door. I walk around to the driver’s side and get the car started, pulling out as quickly as possible. The quicker I leave Buck-Stop in my rearview mirror, the better.

We get about a mile down the road when my car starts sputtering before coming to a complete stop.

“Uh… what’s wrong?” she says, looking over at me cautiously.

“We’re out of fucking gas,” I growl, suddenly remembering why I was at that damn gas station in the first place.

“Whoopsie?” Faith says with a tentative grin and I really, really want to throttle her in that moment.



I’m trying not to giggle as Joe pours gas into Titan’s Caddy from a jug. We’re standing beside the road. I called Joe’s using Titan’s cellphone and here we are.

“That’s two hundred dollars,” Joe growls once his plastic jug empties.

“Two hundred fucking dollars? Are you kidding me? That wasn’t even five gallons of gas.”

“Most of the bill was for a tow. Actually that will be five hundred dollars.”

“What the fuck?”

“You made me close my shop. You took my best worker away. You’re lucky that’s all I’m charging you,” Joe says and I snort a little. I can’t stop myself.

“Jesus. You take Visa?”

“Not out on the road I don’t. Cash or check only.”

“I don’t have five hundred cash.”

“Then we have a problem,” Joe says, crossing his arms at his chest.

“We’re about to,” Titan says, his jawline going almost square. I read that as danger… lots of danger. I figure that means it’s time for me to wade in again.

“Hey, Joe. Did you bring my stuff?”

“Yeah,” he says, walking around to his old truck. He puts the gas can in the back and hands me the backpack I’ve been using to pack my clothes and crap in every day. I grab it and pull out my clothes first, ‘cause damn do I want those. Then I rifle through the rest of it to find where I hid today’s tips.

“Thanks, Joe,” I tell him, right as I find my cash.

“I’m laying this out for you, Faith. You want to leave this guy, you can hop into my truck and I’ll make sure the sheriff fixes it so he doesn’t bother you again.”

“He can try,” Titan says and I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t start cracking his knuckles. Actually there’s so much testosterone floating between these two a woman could get sick on it.


“Faith,” Titan says warningly. That’s it, just my name, but it does get the message across. It doesn’t matter. I was just staying in Buck-Stop to get some money together. If Titan wants to have a conjugal visit before I split again, I’m not against it.

Just the thought of that makes my female parts want to weep in happiness.

“I’m okay, Joe. Titan and I have a few things to work out,” I tell him. Then I hand him the cash that was in my backpack—well, some of it. “Here, this is for Titan’s bill. I’ll get my money back from him, won’t I, Big Daddy?”