I put my hand on Faith’s hip and grin when she jumps underneath my touch.

“Easy there,” I whisper for her ears only and just like clockwork, that shudder runs through her a mere second later. I find myself smiling even with Leroy still breathing the same air as me.

“There’s no problem, Sheriff Adams,” Faith says and again she backs into me, her ass grazing against my slacks. My cock instantly pushes up as if reaching for her.


“Faith was just explaining how she married this … man … out of her love for—”

“Trouser snake,” she sighs and she sounds so disgusted with herself that I can ignore Leroy’s tone when he refers to me as a man.

“You two are married?” the sheriff asks, sounding surprised. He has every reason to be. I doubt Faith broadcast she was married and any man who is a man wouldn’t have allowed her to work like she has been. Hell, we’re not even married the way a man and a woman should be and I don’t like that she has these ass-fucks looking at her like this.

I let Leroy explain to the sheriff how Faith and I are married and my claim she got me drunk. I can even smirk a little when he starts talking about my woman’s—Faith’s—love of ‘trouser snakes’. One thing about it, being around Faith is never boring. It might be too much excitement for one man.

“I was just explaining to Faith that I’d be willing to help her out if she didn’t want to stay married. I got more than enough to keep her happy.”

“You’re a horny old fool, Leroy. Faith, maybe we should go inside and talk,” the sheriff says and I might have some respect for him. It’s clear he has Leroy pegged.

“That won’t be necessary,” I tell the sheriff, getting tired of all of this. “My wife and I need to leave. We have things to discuss.”

“I can’t leave, Big Daddy. I have to work.”

“Does he make you call him Big Daddy?” Leroy asks and, hand to God, I think the old geezer is getting a stiff one. Maybe the fucker doesn’t need Viagra after all.

“It’s a pet name,” Faith grumbles.

“She gave it to me after she looked at my dick,” I add helpfully. Her body stiffens for a moment and then she turns to look at me, shooting me an annoyed expression that makes me grin.

“That’s what did it for you, wasn’t it, sweet cheeks? You liked the size of Daddy’s dick.”

“That’s it exactly,” Faith says, her voice tight and there might be a smile on her face, but she’s not happy—which, oddly enough, makes me happy.

“That’s my girl. She does love my dick,” I brag, pulling her into me.

“That I do,” she mumbles, not sounding very pleased about it.

“I told you, if that’s all it is, I got one for you, Faith. And I’ll make it so you never want to run from me.”

“I didn’t say I ran,” she defends.

“He showed up here and no one knew you were married. That seems to mean you ran,” Leroy says, proving—I guess—that not all his brains are made of shit.

“I didn’t run. I just decided I didn’t want to be married. That’s why I need the lawyer to get the divorce.”

“Well, a woman shouldn’t have to get married over her love of having a good—”

“Please don’t say dicking anymore, Leroy,” Faith says, interrupting him, and I laugh. Not a lot, but enough that Faith looks up at me with her eyes shooting daggers.

“How about I help you pay the lawyer and you can come stay with me? I’ll show you how a real man takes care of his woman.”

Okay, that’s about all of this shit I’m going to take. Doesn’t matter how fucking cute Faith is—and damn if she isn’t. I’m actually enjoying most of this damn situation. I just need to punch Leroy so he stops talking and breathing. And I’m not real particular in which order that occurs—as long as it does.

“That’s kind of you, Leroy, but I told you. It’s only Big Daddy’s that does it for me.”

“You know that’s right,” I whisper to her again, but I might say it a little louder—just so the others can hear me. She turns to look at me fully, and there’s a warning in her eyes. But I find I can’t stop myself. “You couldn’t get enough of it,” I remind her, because the memories I’ve had of her prove that to be right. Fucking trouble is, I felt the same damn way about her pussy. “So, sorry, Leroy. You’ve lost out. It’s only my dick Faith craves.”

I smirk and I’m man enough to admit I’m getting great pleasure delivering that fact out there for all these assholes.



“One dick is just as good as the other,” Leroy says obstinately. Dear Lord, this keeps up there’s going to be measuring tapes and egos involved. Of all of the ways I imagined meeting Titan again, spending an hour talking about his dick to other men wasn’t it—at all. And for his part, Titan is enjoying this way too much. Which I’m finding annoying and I think it’s about time to put an end to that.