I don’t especially want to notice that, but I do. He looks really good—even with his eyes boring holes into me and his face looking like he wants to choke me. Of course he’ll have to get in line. I apparently have that effect on men.

“I need another thousand,” I sigh sadly, smiling at old Leroy.

“A thousand?” Titan asks, outrage—or maybe disbelief—laced through his voice.

“Divorce ain’t cheap, Big Daddy.” I smile, giving my best “I’m innocent” face.

“Why are you divorcing him, sweet cheeks?”

I blink at Leroy’s new pet name. Since he’s had his hand on my cheeks—as it were—I probably should be flattered.

“I’d be interested in hearing that since you got my ass drunk to get me to the altar.”

“I what?” I can’t believe he said that. I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be, but I am.

“Didn’t stutter, sweet cheeks.”

“I did not get you drunk. You got me drunk.”


“It’s true!” And it mostly is. He did buy the bottle of Patron and convince me we had to do shots every time we lost at blackjack. It should be said that Titan is a horrible blackjack player, and I’m worse—especially when getting drunk.

“Got to say, buddy. I’m buying little Faith’s version here a lot more than yours.”

“Stay out of this, old man.”

“I might be old, but I’m not stupid.”

“You’ll excuse me if I’m not buying that. You’re the asshole who had his hands on my wife’s ass. That’s pretty fucking stupid.”

“Doesn’t sound like Faith is planning on staying your wife. I think that’d make her and her gorgeous ass fair game. Is this the guy Joe mentioned has been calling and bothering you, Faith?”

“Awe, Leroy. You think I have a gorgeous ass?” I ask him, ignoring his question about the guy aggravating me. My ex tracked me down here—somehow. He hasn’t called the last few days though, so I’m hoping that means he has finally got the message that I’m done with him.

“That you do, darlin’. Prettier than the sunrise over the Rockies.”

“You are just a sweet talker, aren’t you?” I giggle. Leroy is a letch, but he is a cute letch and mostly harmless. Plus, I think any woman would agree that it’s always nice to be told you have a gorgeous ass.

“Just stating the truth.”

“Man, you’re pushing me,” Titan says and, gee, he sounds almost… jealous. I decide to block that out. I think I liked it, which is crazy—so I decide to block that fact out too. I don’t need to like anything about Titan.

“I just look at Faith here and see that a man would snatch that up in a hot minute.”

“I think this ring on my hand says I did, Leroy. If you don’t mind, I need to have a conversation with my wife. And man, it’s a conversation that don’t need to include you.”

“But I think you’re wrong. The little lady here doesn’t exactly seem happy to be around you. You don’t seem exactly happy to be married to her.”

“He does have a point, Big Daddy,” I add helpfully. To which I swear I can see a vein thump in agitation above Titan’s left eye. It’s cute and right away I have to wonder if I can make his eye twitch. “You’re very wise, Leroy,” I praise him—trying my best not to giggle at Titan’s groan of frustration.

Then, Titan does something I wasn’t expecting. He has a black sports jacket over a purple silk button-up shirt. He takes it off and hangs it over my shoulders. It swallows me and lays heavy on my arms. But it’s soft, it smells like Titan—which is to say, it smells really, really freaking good. It’s also really warm, almost hot and feels heavenly. So I let it stay there.

He was being nice, it’s the least I can do.

“Thank you, darlin’,” Leroy continues. “Now, as I was saying, don’t matter that Faith came with a nail for your coffin in the shape of a ring—”

“Uh… gee, Leroy—”

“You still marry her, for a chance to get in her pussy.”

And there it is.

Suddenly ol’ letch Leroy is starting to get on my nerves. I always did have horrible taste in men. Maybe he’s not so harmless after all.

“Leroy—” I try to interject.

“And a real man will not risk getting drunk so his dick won’t perform when he gets near her pussy,” Leroy goes on, determined to get his point across. I have to admit once again he does have a wise point—in a gross, I might be a pervert and not harmless kind of way. “So I don’t buy your story.” Leroy finishes up his thoughts, and I really hope he’s finished now. I’m not sure I want to hear more of Leroy’s facts of life—even if he does think I have a gorgeous ass.

That gorgeous ass part needed repeated again, really.