Do I go left or right? I pull out a penny from my ashtray, which has been converted into a change holder. Then I flip it up in the air. I don’t bother catching it, I suck at that. Heads will be right; tails will be left. The penny lands on the dash, rolling and sliding, but spins to a stop.

I smile. Tails it is! It feels good. I keep the penny handy.

I’m sure there are more turns ahead.



“You got married?”

“You don’t have to shout, Cora. I’m not deaf.”

“No, just stupid. Who the fuck did you marry?”

“A sister… of a friend,” I answer, having no other words. Besides, that sounds better than some blonde I fucked all night.

“You’re engaged!”

“Well, not officially,” I grumble.

“Fuck officially! You’re all but engaged. What do you think you’re doing? This could ruin everything!”

“Meyers could still offer me the position, even if I don’t marry his daughter,” I growl. I haven’t been happy with the decisions I’m making anyway. Sure, Jacey is a sweet girl. I like her, she likes me. I never wanted marriage, though. I didn’t go into this thinking of it as a marriage; it was more of a contract. I marry Jacey, I get my shot at being general manager of the Turnpikes. Jacey gets her trust fund from her father completely and can use the money to open up the art gallery her father thinks is a waste of time.

We both win out of the deal and we have reasonable chemistry together… I guess… We’ve gone on a few dates. Shared a few kisses… okay, I have no fucking idea if we have any chemistry. I don’t think of her like that, and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t me either. In fact, I get the impression the woman couldn’t care less about my dick. It’s a new feeling for me, but I didn’t care. We agreed we go into this marriage with the goal of getting what we want and staying out of each other’s ways. What Daddy Meyer doesn’t know won’t hurt either of us.

That was the plan… Until Faith.

“You have to divorce her, Titan. There’s no other way.”

Cora takes being my agent seriously. Right now she’s annoying the shit out of me, however.

“Yeah, well, there’s just one little problem with that,” I growl, rubbing the back of my neck.


“I can’t find her.”

“You. Can’t. Find her?” And this time she screams those last two words out so loud that I have to hold the phone away from my ear.

“Woman, you’re starting to piss me off. I’m not one of your lapdogs that sits and rolls over at your command,” I growl.

“Well, that’s obvious, Titan. If you were, you would have already been GM of the Turnpikes and you and I would be sitting pretty with your huge bonus and my fat commission.”

I bring my hand down to my lap and tighten it into a fist, frustrated at Cora, for sure—but more so at myself. She’s not saying anything I haven’t thought myself since getting out of bed this morning. I look down at the wedding ring on my finger, still not quite processing what I’ve done and what a fucked-up mess this has all become.

“I’ll handle it,” I tell Cora, but I have no idea what I’m going to do.

“You better. I don’t need to remind you that you need this money as much as I do,” she growls, slamming the phone down.

She’s right too. I do need the money. When I said I hadn’t planned for my future I wasn’t shitting. My accounts aren’t gone yet, but they’re fucking low and I’m looking at getting cut from the roster for the next season. I need this position. If I don’t get it, I’m going to end up some sad color commentator on a second-rate network—and that’s if I even get that kind of offer. Those usually go to the golden boys. That being men with pale skin—or at least lighter than mine—who are pretty in the face, and have charm. None of that is me.

Never has been and never will be.

I drop the phone, contemplating my next move. Hope was zero help. That leaves only one… White and that crazy, fucked-up family of his. They’re all probably still around the hotel somewhere.

I find that damn blonde, I’m going to smack her ass for making me chase her down.

I ignore the way that thought makes my dick happy. He’s never getting back inside of her.

And that news doesn’t make either me or my dick happy.



I thought Colorado would be more exciting. I’ve been here for a week and so far, the only thing exciting I’ve found… Yeah… I got nothing.

When I left the hotel room that morning, I drove until I got tired and that ended me here—Buck-Stop, Colorado. I can’t tell you how I ended up here, but I’m pretty sure the penny I used was stuck on tails, because my trip here was a series of left turns.