Page 49 of Once Upon a Grump

I raised an eyebrow as my core clenched at his words. Damn. Suddenly, the steely glares and random calls to his office made sense in an entirely new context. He’d wanted me like that all this time? “At the risk of ruining the moment, I have to say that doesn’t sound super casual.”

Just a few hours ago, I’d been ready to punch Mr. Stone in the face if he had the nerve to call me up to his office again. But somehow seeing him outside work had set me off.

“Fuck casual,” he growled, walking towards me so I had to back up.

“Fuck casual? That was the plan, right?”

“I can’t decide if I want to stop that smart mouth by putting my lips on it or filling it with my cock.”

Something primal inside me stirred at the way he was talking to me. I bumped into the couch, falling back and landing on my ass. Mr. Stone didn’t stop until he was right in front of me, towering like some kind of horny God. “Who says we have to pick just one?” I breathed, voice quivering. I was so not good at all this dirty talk.

He moved beside me on the couch, putting a hand on my thigh and running it up hard, drawing a tingling sensation in its wake like warm little fireworks beneath my skin.

I shivered, melting into his touch when he put his big hand on my cheek, cupping it and drawing me closer. “Last chance to run, Butterfly.”

Oh, was he still rolling with the social butterfly nickname? “Why? Do you have handcuffs hidden in your pants or something?”

He gripped me tight, kissing me like nobody had ever kissed me. It was possessive and tender and intense–God, was it intense. I fell back, sinking into the cushions while he leaned over me, draping his long leg over mine and pressing a palm to my breast.

I gasped into his mouth, arching my back up towards him and feeling my hips rock on their own against his thigh. I squeezed him between my legs, rubbing myself through my jeans against his hard muscle and letting my hands explore his broad back.

“Are you wet for me, Butterfly?” he asked.

“I know one way you could find out,” I said between kisses.

Suddenly, Christian sat up and yanked me by the legs, stretching me out lengthwise on the couch and positioning himself between my legs. He took the zipper of my jeans between his fingers and popped the button open, then dragged the fly down slowly.

The look on his face was beautiful–like he was in absolute hungry bliss as he stared down at the hint of my panties he could see.

I rolled my head to the side and nearly shrieked in surprise when I saw Termite sitting inches from my face beside the couch. Her big eyes were wide and confused.

I lifted a hand to cover her face.

Christian noticed I was distracted, which apparently wasn’t acceptable. He peeled off one of his socks and tossed it on the other side of the couch. Termite scrambled after it, taking it in her mouth and rolling around on her back with her silly little limbs flailing as she chewed, eyes closed.

“How’d you know she likes socks?” I asked.

“She never stopped trying to steal mine when I was looking after you.”

“Oh,” I said. It made sense, of course. But thinking about that delirious time was dangerous. It reminded me that Christian Stone wasn’t completely wrong for me. Maybe he was callous and a hardass at work, but he’d shown there was another side to him–a side just about any girl would love to call her own.

I physically shook my head. Nope. That line of thought was a big, big nope. Casual sex, that’s all this was. I tried relaying that message to my thumping heart and throbbing vagina, but they didn’t seem to care. I guessed it was all on me to keep this from getting out of control. Go figure I couldn’t even trust my own damn vagina around the man.

“Now…” he said, focusing his attention back on my jeans. He took the waistband and tugged them free with a few strong pulls, lifting my ass in the air as he worked on them. The action pulled my panties down slightly, but he seemed to have a way he wanted this to go, because once my jeans were on the floor, he carefully rolled my panties back up to their proper position.

He lowered his head at my belly button and kissed his way down, running his mouth over the thin pink fabric of my underwear and finding the sensitive flesh of my mound. He lingered there, and every moment so close to my clit made my body thrum with impatience. I arched myself up toward him, hands running across his hair and down the nape of his neck.