Page 47 of Once Upon a Grump

“If you don’t want to be with me, why can’t you stop trying to police my vagina?”

I felt my lips twitch in the threat of a smile. “You haunt me. That’s why.” I was breathing harder now–the words rushing out faster than I could stop them. “I see you when I close my eyes. I dream of you when I sleep. I can’t fucking get you out of my head, but I can’t afford to let myself have you.”

Lola’s eyebrows drew together. She swallowed, then took a careful step closer to me. “It’s possible I might know a little bit about that feeling.”

Our eyes locked and I found myself finishing what she’d started. I stood mere inches from her, towering over her until I had to bend my neck to keep my eyes on hers.

“If,” Lola said, lowering her gaze to my chest and fiddling with my tie absently. “If we didn’t think of it like a relationship, maybe we could both get what we need. It could just be… you know.”

“Casual sex?” I asked. My cock was two steps ahead and already hard enough to double as a battering ram if needed. I knew I was letting myself be drawn down a dangerous path, but I was too hungry for her to care anymore. I’d take any excuse to get my hands on Lola, no matter how flimsy.

“Yeah. At work, we could act like it never happened. No obligations. No commitments. Because let me be clear, I don’t like you, Mr. Stone.”

“Christian,” I breathed.

Her eyes lifted to mine. “Christian,” she repeated. The simple word sounded so fucking sexy coming out of her mouth. I put my hand on her side, moving it up under her shirt to feel her bare, warm skin–soft against my calloused hand.

“Not here,” she said, pushing my arm away. “Someone could see.”

“Where?” I hissed.

“My apartment is closest. I just need to get Termite from the Ashford kids. And I’ll have to feed her when we get there before…” she trailed off and swallowed hard. “Okay?”

I nodded. “I’ll head there while you get the dog. We should go separately so we don’t draw attention.”


Lola started to walk away, but I couldn’t fucking help myself. I reached out, took her wrist, and spun her to face me. I took a fistful of her silky hair and tilted her head back, claiming her mouth like I’d been wishing I could for the longest thirty days of my life. She tasted like I’d imagined. Better, even.

She gasped into my mouth, going soft in my arms as our tongues flicked together.

When the kiss ended, her lips were still parted and her eyes looked heavy. She smiled up at me, fiddling with my tie again. “Be careful, Mr. Stone. Kiss me like that too much and I might get addicted.”

Something like a growl slipped out of me. I wanted my hands on every inch of her. Even knowing I had to wait a few minutes was torture. I cupped her tight ass, yanking her in so her hips thumped against me. “I may already be addicted. To casually kissing you,” I added with a smirk.

Lola smiled back. “Does this mean you’re going to actually be nice when we’re together for casual hookups? Because I would’ve signed up for this way earlier if I knew that was part of the package.”

“The way I treat you…” I started, searching for the right words.

But Lola shook her head, pressing a finger to my lips. “No. I don’t want this to bleed over to work. You’re who you are and I’m who I am. Whatever we’re about to do doesn’t change that, right?”

I gave her a tight smile and a nod. “Yeah, sure.” Except it wasn’t true. I was only such an ass to Lola because I’d been trying my hardest to keep from falling for her. Still, we could call this casual sex. I may not get every part of her like I truly wanted, but I might literally burst if I didn’t get my hands on her soon. At least I’d have that.

“You first,” she said, giving me a flirty slap on the ass and pointing for the door.



I walked Termite back towards my place, clutching my arms against myself to brace against the increasingly cold night. I could hardly believe I’d just had that conversation. I’d never been a casual sex kind of girl. Now, there was nothing wrong with people who enjoyed a little no-strings sexual activity. It was just that until I left my old life behind, I believed I was going to be one of those lucky people who found Mr. Right on my first real try. We’d get to tell everyone how we were high school sweethearts–that we just knew from the first moment.

I guess a dumb part of me thought that would make it all feel more significant and meaningful, almost like fate had brought us together. But that was also why I stupidly stuck around way longer than I should’ve with him.