He blinks in surprise before shifting his stance. “I think you’re taking what I’m saying the wrong way. I love the guy—”

“Do you?” As soon as the words escape from my lips, I want to snatch them out of the air and shove them back inside. Except…part of me doesn’t. As much as I was hoping Jack would like me, he’s a total dick. Maybe he thinks he’s being funny by making snide comments about his brother, but I’m not amused. It pisses me off.

Thankfully, the hostess breaks away from the small group before grabbing three menus from the thick stack on the counter. “Your table is all set. If you’re ready, I can seat you now.”

Relief flashes across Asher’s face as he wraps his arm around my waist before whispering in my ear, “Sorry about that.”

His brother trails after the waitress without waiting for us.

“It wasn’t a problem.” It takes effort to keep the anger from seeping into my voice.

“I saw you talking with Jack. Everything go all right?”

My teeth rake across my lower lip with indecision. There’s a voice inside my head prodding me to keep this convo to myself. The last thing I want is to cause problems with his family.


“Yeah, it’s fine.” Even though I’m trying to put on a good face, I hear the tremble that fills my voice.

He picks up on it as well.

Instead of following the hostess through the dining area like his brother, Asher grinds to a halt. With my hand locked in his, I don’t have any other choice but to do the same. “Is there a problem?”

“I wouldn’t necessarily call it that.”

His brows furrow as he carefully searches my gaze. “Then what is it?”

“I don’t know.” I jerk my shoulders before glancing at Jack, who is now seated at the table and talking with the hostess. By the way she’s smiling at him, it’s obvious they’re flirting. “He just said some things…”

“Like what?”

I fidget, growing uncomfortable beneath his relentless stare. “Just that you like to party and…”

“And what?” he asks softly, expression sobering.

When I remain silent, understanding flickers in his eyes. “That I’m some kind of dumbass, right?”

“Not exactly.” But yeah, pretty much.

Hurt flashes across his face before being quickly hidden behind a mask of indifference. Or maybe it’s acceptance. I’m not sure. “Yeah, well…Jack has always been the brainiac of the family. The guy is super smart.”

Maybe he is, but he’s also a major dick. “So what?”

He shifts his stance before glancing away. His voice dips, becoming low. “My parents are impressed by academic achievements, not athletic ones. And Jack is just like them. You could say that I’ve always been the odd man out.”

My heart constricts, imagining what it must have been like for him to grow up in this family. Never feeling like you were accepted or what you excelled at was important. And here I’d thought Asher lived a charmed life without incident. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he has scars just like the rest of us. He just chooses not to show them.

“You’re just as smart as they are,” I say fiercely.

A slight smile tugs at the corners of his lips before he shakes his head. “No, I’m not. They’ve all made sure I realize how lucky I am to be a gifted athlete, or I’d be up shit creek without a paddle.”

Oh my god…is that really what they’ve been telling him all these years? Feeding his insecurities of not being good enough?

Smart enough?

What’s more upsetting is that he believes it.

Sorrow wells inside me. It’s almost a surprise to realize that the backs of my eyes are burning. Asher is so much more than they give him credit for, and only now do I realize that he’s more than even he believes. All I want to do is gather him up into my arms and soothe the hurt that must live inside him.

“That’s not true. You’re so much more than a talented football player. We’ve been working together long enough that I can see how intelligent you are.” I rise on the tips of my toes until my mouth can brush across his. “And don’t you dare let anyone ever tell you differently.”

He wraps his arms around my body before tugging me close. “As long as you think so, that’s all that matters.”



“Hey, you doing all right?”

I glance at the concern marring Asher’s face before dropping my gaze to our loosely clasped hands. As much as I like the feel of his warmth wrapped around me, I’m still not completely used to it.

He’s so easy and free with his affection.

And possessive.

It probably shouldn’t be such a turn on, but I can’t deny that it is.

When I remain silent, his fingers tighten. “Lola?”

I blink and meet his gaze. “Sorry.” It takes effort to shake those thoughts away and refocus on the question. “Yeah, I’m fine. This isn’t a big deal.” That’s been the mantra playing on repeat inside my head for the past couple of days.