I shift my weight and cross my arms against my chest. “If you’re alluding to the situation with her father, then yeah—I’m aware of it.”

Her gaze sharpens on me as surprise laces her voice. “She told you about that?”

I jerk my head. “Met him, too.” I glance at Lola again, wanting to make sure she hasn’t snuck up on me. “From what I could tell, he’s a real piece of work.”

“That’s one way of putting it.” A heavy silence follows that comment. “Then you can understand why I wouldn’t want to see her get jerked around. She’s been through enough with her family. If you’re just here because you’re looking for a little flavor to spice up your life, you should make yourself scarce before it goes any further.”

I straighten to my full height and glare. “That’s not what this is.”

“You sure about that?”

“Yeah,” I bite out, “I am.” I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life.

“She doesn’t open up and share herself with many people. If she’s let her guard down, then you better realize how special that is and treat her right. Don’t inflict more damage.”

My brows lower. “What makes you think I’d do that?”

She pops a shoulder. “No reason. I’m just giving you a friendly warning.”

There’s absolutely nothing friendly about the steely look in her eyes. Is this pint-sized chick seriously trying to threaten me?

“Hey, I’m all set. Are you ready to get out of here?” Lola asks, interrupting our tense conversation.

I keep my gaze locked on her cousin. “Yup.”

Lola shifts, throwing a glance at the other girl as if only now sensing that all might not be right between us. Her smile slowly falls away. “What are you guys talking about?”

“Nothing,” we both say at the same time. Although, my tone is more clipped and hers is silky as if we’ve been shooting the shit, just getting to know one another.

“Huh.” Her brows inch up her forehead. “Now why don’t I believe either one of you?”

Before Lola can fire off any more questions, Carmen says, “It was great meeting you, but I need to get back to work.” With a bright smile, she pulls Lola in for a quick hug. “See you tomorrow?”

“Where else would I be?”

With that, she takes off, sauntering into the dining room without a backward glance. I stare after her, trying to figure out if I read too much into the conversation before my gaze slides to Lola.

A suspicious light fills her narrowed eyes. “All right, now that she’s gone, tell me what Carmen really said.”

“Nothing,” I say with a forced shrug. “It was just a little chit chat.” Maybe she didn’t threaten bodily injury, but the promise was there in her eyes.

When she gives me a dubious look, I clear my throat and change the subject. “Want to get moving?”

It takes a few seconds for her muscles to loosen as a smile curves her lips. “More than ready.”

I throw an arm around her shoulders before hauling her close as we push out into the frigid air. When the wind whips over us, she tugs her jacket more tightly around her as we walk to the Escalade. Once we’re both inside, I start up the engine and allow it to idle for a few minutes before shifting into drive and pulling out of the parking lot.

As I turn onto the street, an earlier convo with my brother pops into my head. Nerves spring to life in the pit of my gut as I try to keep my voice casual. “I’m meeting up with Jack for breakfast on Wednesday. Any interest in coming with?”

Her gaze flickers to mine in the darkness. There’s a moment of hesitation before she says, “Do you really want me to?”

“Yeah, of course. I wouldn’t have asked otherwise.” Even though I’m trying not to make it sound like this is a big deal, it kind of is.

Her teeth rake over her lower lip as a handful of silent seconds tick by.

Just when I’m about to downplay the invitation, she says, “Okay.”

Tension leaks from my muscles as a ridiculous amount of relief floods through me. A small smile curves my lips. “Cool.” The next question is out of my mouth before I can rein it back in. “You gonna spend the night at my place?”

Now that I’ve had her in my bed on a regular basis, it’s difficult to imagine sleeping without her. Which is…yeah, I’m not going to lie, it’s a bit strange. Girls have warmed my bed before and it’s not like I have any hard and fast rules when it comes to the female species, but even I realize that once you allow someone to get comfortable in your space, it isn’t long before expectations follow.

Like a toothbrush and a box of tampons in the bathroom.