Sometimes, I look back and wonder what the hell Lola saw in me. Why would she even give a guy like me the time of day?

Then, I remember how I forced my way into her life and struck a deal she couldn’t refuse. That’s when everything changed. I got a glimpse into her life and saw just how hard she busted her ass, trying to hold everything together. All that responsibility heaped on her slender shoulders made me want to step up and be someone worthy of her.

Without Lola standing by my side, believing in me, I wouldn’t be the man I am today. For her, I want to be the very best version of myself.

And you know what? I think I am. I like the person I’ve gradually evolved into.

As soon as I shove open the door to our apartment and step over the threshold, female laughter greets my ears.

That’s when I remember Lola is having a pizza and movie night with Kylie.

Yup…you heard that correctly. Ever since the surgery, the two girls have become surprisingly close. I’d read about the possibility of that happening when I researched the procedure. For obvious reasons, I didn’t expect it to occur with these two.

It all started with a simple text. Kylie reached out, thanking her for the kidney and checking in to make sure everything was all right. After a month of messaging back and forth, they decided to meet for lunch and a friendship sprung up from there.

Occasionally, we’ll get together with Kylie’s family, but Lola’s relationship with Tony and Charlotte is still strained. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. But Lola hasn’t let that stop her from developing more of one with Kylie and Antonio. Before we moved, we’d pick them up and take them mini golfing or to the movies. No matter what happens with Tony, I’m glad Lola has been able to connect with her half-siblings. It’s been good for all three of them.

April of senior year, I was drafted to Nashville in the first round. We spent a few weeks apartment hunting and then moved before training camp started in July. Since Lola didn’t want to leave her mother alone, we found an apartment within walking distance from ours. The change has been good for Mariana. For the most part, she’s been stable, holding down a job and receiving the mental health care she needs to be independent and flourish. There are still ups and downs, but there are more ups than downs. And that’s been nice to see.

Kylie flew out to visit us several times during her senior year of high school and fell in love with the city. We took her on a few college visits, and she decided to attend Tennessee State University. This is her freshman year, and she’s living in the dorms. Although, you wouldn’t know it by how often she’s here. Lola decorated a bedroom for her to stay in when she visits.

Which I’m totally cool with.

Except when I want my girl all to myself.

Like right now.

I walk into the living room and find them sitting on the floor with an open box of pizza and a ton of bridal magazines spread out around them. I proposed six months ago, and they’ve been busy planning not only the wedding but the bachelorette party. There’s been a lot of talk about party buses that cruise around the city, going from one bar to another. Kylie might not be twenty-one, but she’s the one spearheading this night out with Demi, Sydney, Sasha, Elle, Brooke and Carmen.

Just to be clear…there’s no way in hell I’m allowing that to happen. Nashville is worse than Vegas. I’m trying to cajole Kylie into planning a combined bachelor/bachelorette party, but so far, that’s been a no-go. I’ll be stepping up my game with bribery.

They both glance up from the glossy pages they’re pouring over.

“Hey,” Lola says with an easy smile.

If I’ve transformed over the previous two years, so has she. Lola is so much more open with a sunnier disposition. She’s quick to laughter and smiles. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t have the weight of the world resting on your shoulders.

“Hey, yourself.”

“How was practice, babe?” she asks.

The endearment has everything inside me softening. It’s not like I haven’t heard it trip off her tongue a thousand times before, but still…

I love it.

Love that I’m her man.

And she’s my woman.

My plans for the evening might have been placed on the backburner, but the need to lay my hands on her has only intensified. Once I’ve swallowed up the distance between us, she tilts her face upward until my mouth can sweep across hers.

“It was good,” I murmur. “Missed you today.” My gaze flicks to Kylie. “Kinda forgot you were having a girls’ night.”

The way her lips curve against mine tells me that she knows exactly why I’m making the comment. It’s just another thing I love about her. She gets me. Most of the time, she knows what I’m thinking before I do.