Who would take care of her when life goes off the rails and she sinks into another depression? Who would make sure she takes her meds?

As much as I wish it weren’t the case, she needs me.

Mama was supposed to be here this morning, but she suffered a setback when she met a guy online who strung her along for a couple of weeks before disappearing from her life. The backslide is disappointing, but I can’t say I’m totally shocked by it.

Or that I’m here by myself.

This is the way things go for me. It’s better to accept reality for what it is than constantly wish it could be different. Carmen agreed to stop by the house before and after her shift to check on Mama. It’s one less thing to worry about.

After stopping at reception, I head to the bank of elevators and hit the third floor where the surgery center is located. My fingers tremble as I push the button and wait for the car to arrive. Once it does, I step inside the small space. Just as the doors are about to slide shut, a large hand reaches in to stop it. The metal bounces open, revealing the man standing on the other side of the threshold.

I blink, unable to believe he’s actually here. “Asher?”

One side of his mouth quirks as he steps inside, forcing me to back up until my spine hits the wall. “Hey.”

I can only stare with wide eyes as the doors close, trapping us in the space together. My heart slams against my ribcage. There are so many questions buzzing around inside my brain that it takes a few seconds to find my voice. When I do, it comes out sounding like a croak. As if I haven’t used it in years. “I don’t understand. What are you doing here?”

“Did you really think I was just going to walk away?”

I shake my head to clear it, but it’s like I’m in a fog. “You’re supposed to be in California. The game is tonight.”

“As long as everything goes well with your surgery, I’ll fly out early this afternoon and be there in plenty of time.”


He shakes his head. “There’s nothing for you to worry about. I’ve taken care of everything.”

My teeth pin my lower lip to stop it from trembling with all the emotion welling up inside me. Any moment it’ll burst free, and I’ll come undone.

Before anything else can be said, his hand snakes out to nab my fingers before he draws me to him. As soon as my breasts press against the solid strength of his chest, his arms band around me, locking me in place.

It’s only when the woodsy scent of his aftershave surrounds me, cocooning me in familiarity, that I can finally suck a full breath of air into my lungs again. The entire time without him, I’ve been gasping and choking, just trying to draw in enough oxygen to fill my lungs. Now that I’m wrapped up in his strong embrace, everything in my life once again feels right. Unable to hold back, my arms slip around his ribcage and squeeze tight. I don’t ever want to let go.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” I whisper.

“There was no way in hell I was getting on that bus,” he growls in my ear. “You should know me well enough by now to realize that was never going to happen.” There’s a pause as his voice dips. “Even if you did dump my ass.”

I lift my chin until my gaze can lock on his. “I didn’t want you to sacrifice something you’ve spent your entire life working toward. Not for me.”

“That wasn’t your decision to make, it was mine. And just so you know—you’re worth it.” He searches my eyes. “Do you understand that? You’re worth it, Lola. I promised you that I’d be here, and I refuse to go back on my word.”

It takes everything inside me to blink back the wetness that floods my eyes. I’ve spent so much time tamping down my emotions, just trying to get through the grind, and make it to the next day. But Asher…

He makes me feel things.

And want things I never allowed myself to dream about.

With him, it seems possible to have everything I spent my entire life secretly longing for.

And he’s here, even after I pushed him away and inflicted pain.

“Maybe you don’t love me, but we’re still friends. And friends are there for each other no matter what. I’ll always be here for you.”

A single tear treks down my cheek.

How did I ever believe the right decision was to break up with him?

“But that’s the thing—I do love you, Asher.”

Instead of responding, his mouth crashes onto mine. When his tongue sweeps across the seam of my lips, I immediately open until we can fuse together, and I’m crushed against all that solid strength.