He clears his throat and drops his gaze as if he’s unable to bear the sight of me. “I’ll let you get back to work.”

Incapable of summoning my voice, I jerk my head into a tight nod as he strides to the exit. It takes every bit of self-control to keep my arms pressed to my sides so I won’t reach for him.

Once at the door, he grabs the handle and yanks it open. Air gets clogged in my throat when he hesitates over the threshold. The second or two that passes only heightens the poignancy of this moment.

“I’ve never told another girl that I loved them. The way I care about you…I don’t know if it’s possible to feel that way about anyone else.” There’s a pause. “I think you might have ruined me.”

I press my lips together to stop myself from crying out.

Asher might not realize it, but he’s ruined me as well.

Thick emotion bubbles up in my throat as hot tears sting my eyes.

When I remain silent, he quietly closes the door behind him, leaving me to pick up the pieces of my shattered heart.



I lift the beer to my lips and take a long swallow, downing nearly all the contents. Like the others I’ve previously sucked down, it does nothing to dull the pain. If I’m being perfectly honest, I didn’t really think it would. But it was worth a shot, right?

Even though I’m twenty-two years old, I’ve never given love much thought.

Why would I?

Ever since I was a freshman in high school, I’ve had girls tripping over themselves to please me. What would be the point of tying myself down to just one when variety is the spice of life?

Kind of ironic that I ended up falling for the one girl who broke my heart.

Whoever said that love hurts was abso-fucking-lutely right. It’s the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. And I’ve been laid out flat plenty of times on the football field. Here’s the funny thing—not only does my heart ache, but everything else as well. My very fucking soul throbs with pain. It’s like a virus has infected my body and there’s no cure. At least, none I know of.

It sucks.

Serious question—why would someone willingly put themselves through this kind of agony?

It’s not worth it. Anyone going out and actively trying to fall in love is a real dumbass. Or maybe I’m the dumbass. Obviously, what I had to offer wasn’t good enough or she wouldn’t have been so quick to cut me loose.

Maybe I’m just not enough.

I drag a hand over my face as these thoughts churn through my brain.

It’s been a little over a week since I tracked her down at Taco Loco. All I can say is thank fuck the semester is over. I’ve been having a tough enough time dragging my ass out of bed each morning. Somehow, I need to find a way to pull it together before the spring semester starts.

“Hi, Asher.”

I glance up from the bottle I’ve been contemplating, only to find Mallory standing next to me with a fresh beer in hand.

When I remain silent, she holds it out as an offering. “I thought you might want another one.”

Well…if she’s going to insist, who am I to argue?

I pluck the bottle from her fingers before bringing it to my lips and sucking down half of it.

Nope. Still doesn’t dull the pain.

“Thanks,” I mumble.

“You look like you could use a friend.”

Not really. I’d much prefer to wallow by myself. Even in this depressed state, I realize I’m not fit company.

I lift my shoulders, hoping the gesture will suffice.

“Great,” she says, dropping down next to me and cuddling against my side. A couple of seconds tick by before her fingers begin to wander along my chest. “I heard about your breakup. I’m really sorry.”

Less than twenty-four hours after Lola curb-stomped my heart, news was buzzing around campus and my phone was blowing up with girls wanting to come over and console me. A few even dropped off baked goods.

I’m knocked from those thoughts when the front door opens and Audrey steps inside the entryway. She glances around before spotting me on the couch with Mallory.

“Hi,” she says with a wave before lifting the large square tin in her other hand. “I baked some brownies. I thought it might cheer you up.”

“Thanks,” I grunt. “Appreciate it.”

“You can take them on the bus with you. Doesn’t it leave tomorrow morning?”

“Yup.” I’m trying to gear myself up for the game, but it’s impossible to work up any real enthusiasm. My mind keeps circling back to Lola and the surgery. Even though we’re not together, I’m concerned that something will go wrong, and I won’t be there with her.

“A bunch of us are caravanning to California. We’ll all be there to cheer you on! And then party afterward,” she adds with a giggle.