It’s not that I have a problem doing it, but every time she breaks our plans or doesn’t call me back, the pit sitting at the bottom of my gut multiplies in size, becoming impossible to ignore.

As much as I don’t want to believe there’s an issue in our relationship, what other choice do I have?



Carmen nods toward the entrance of the restaurant. “Looks like lover boy dropped by for a visit.”

My head whips toward the hostess stand before landing on Asher. A serious expression mars his face as he loiters at the entrance of the dining room, scanning the area. The second our gazes collide, I feel the spark of electricity straight down to my toes. Even though it shouldn’t surprise me that he showed up here unannounced…it does.

One hand drifts to my lower belly, pressing on it, as if that will be enough to settle the nerves dancing inside. I’ve been dragging my feet, putting off the inevitable, but I can’t do it any longer.

“Will you cover my tables for a couple of minutes?” I ask.

“Hmmm…that doesn’t bode well for your boy toy, now does it?”

If it were possible to rip my attention away from him, I’d shoot her a scowl. Now that he’s found me, he cuts a direct path to us. I have to crane my neck to hold his steady gaze as he grinds to a halt a few feet away. We haven’t spoken a word to each other, and already there are silent questions swimming around in his blue depths. I straighten my shoulders, steeling myself for the inevitable.

“Hey.” Instead of tugging me into his arms like he normally would, he shoves his hands into the pocket of his hoodie. “I know you’re working, but do you have time to talk? I can wait around until you have a break.”

My gaze flickers to my cousin. Even though she never gave me an answer, I say, “No, Carmen will cover for me. Let’s go in the backroom where it’s quiet.”

Tension vibrates from him in heavy waves as he jerks his head into a nod. “Okay. Lead the way.”

Everything feels so different between us, and I hate it. More than that, I hate what I’m about to do.

My shoes feel like they’re filled with cement as we cut through the crowded dining area to the hallway in the back where the employee breakroom is located. Every step I take makes my heart twist with more agony.

It’s a relief when I push open the door and find the space empty. Once Asher crosses over the threshold, my fingers tremble as I close the door, ensuring we have a bit of privacy.

Now that we’re alone and all the noise from the restaurant has faded, a heavy silence falls over us. Unsure how to begin this conversation, I wring my hands together in order to resist reaching out and drawing him close.

He clears his throat and shifts his stance. “Sorry about ambushing you at work.”

There is so much confusion written across his expression. I know he doesn’t understand why I’ve pulled back. All I want to do is smooth the lines away and make everything better.

“No, it’s fine,” I force myself to say. “I’m glad you stopped by.”

“Really?” He pops a brow. “Because it feels like you’ve been avoiding me.”

Air gets wedged in my throat, making it impossible to breathe. I wasn’t expecting him to get straight to the point. While Asher seems laid back and chill, what I’ve discovered is that he’s not that way about everything.

Certainly not with the things that matter. My heart constricts with the silent acknowledgment that I’ve become important to him.

I hate myself for the pain I’m about to inflict, but I don’t see any other way around it. I’ve tried a dozen times to talk him out of skipping the game. And moving the surgery to a later date isn’t possible. Kylie needs the transplant now.

The last time I broached the subject, he shut me down by stripping off his clothes. All the man has to do is peel off his shirt and I go a little stupid. There’s nothing better than the sight of his jeans or sweatpants hanging low on his lean hips.

Sweet baby Jesus…the V that disappears beneath the material is enough to make my mouth turn cottony.




So…maybe having this conversation in the breakroom at Taco Loco is for the best. He can’t distract me by shedding his clothes and kissing me senseless.

When I remain silent, hurt seeps into his eyes. “Not even going to deny it, huh?”

As much as I tried to mentally prepare myself, his pain hits me like a punch to the gut. I glance away, hoping it’ll be easier to force out the words if I’m not holding his gaze.

“I’m sorry. I—”

Abrupt movement catches the corner of my eye and my head whips in that direction just in time to see him eat up the distance between us with a few long-legged strides.