“You’re so fucking beautiful, sitting there nicely, waiting patiently for me to fuck you.”

A whimper escapes as I shift restlessly. I just want the underwear to disappear so he can climb between my thighs and sink deep inside my body. I’ve been thinking about him all day, and I’m eager for his cock to fill me up and make me forget everything outside these four walls.

When my fingers hover over the elastic band, he gives his head a little shake.

“Don’t you dare.” His brow quirks as heat fills his eyes. “Unless you’re looking to get spanked.”

Another burst of arousal detonates in my core.

His lips lift as he nods toward the wall I share with my mother. “Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee you won’t scream when my palm makes contact with your sweet little ass. So…we’ll have to wait on that.”

My teeth scrape across my lower lip as disappointment swirls through me.

“Tomorrow,” he growls. “I promise. Now, let’s get you out of those panties before they’re totally soaked.”

I groan as heat fills my cheeks.

He draws closer until he can press his mouth against mine. “Don’t be embarrassed, baby. I love that you’re so horny for me.”

Before I can fully sink into the caress, he pulls back. His fingers settle at the band before ripping the cotton fabric away. I can’t help but shiver beneath his steely gaze as it licks over my length. It doesn’t take long for me to grow restless under the intense scrutiny.

“How much do you want me, baby girl?”

Instead of answering, I allow my legs to fall open until I’m spread wide.

His eyes grow hotter as his voice dips. “That much, huh?”


“Mmmm. You’re so fucking pretty. All soft and pink. You make my mouth water with the need to taste you.”

“Please, Asher.” I’ve never been one to beg. Especially a man. But I will for him. I’ll crawl on my hands and knees if that’s what it takes.

This is exactly what he reduces me to.

I don’t give a fuck if that makes me weak. All I care about is the way it feels when he touches me with his fingers, mouth, and cock.

“Tell me what you want.”

“You,” I whisper. “I want you.”

My heart leaps, thumping harder, faster, when he shackles his fingers around my ankles and drags me to the edge of the bed until we’re perfectly aligned. He leans over, caging me in with his powerful body. One hand is placed on each side of my head as his face hovers over mine. Back and forth his lips strum until I want to scream with the intensity building within.

“Stop teasing.”

“Why?” His mouth curves. “I like driving you crazy. Know what I love even more?”

He doesn’t give me a chance to respond.

“Bringing you to your knees and making you beg. There’s nothing better than that,” he growls, continuing to torment me. “I never thought there’d come a day when you’d plead for my dick to fill that sweet pussy of yours and yet, here we are. You belong to me, and my cock is the only one you’ll get.”

His words crash over me like a tidal wave, threatening to drag me to the very depths of the ocean. They fill me with so much excitement that it’s almost impossible to fathom. Especially when he toys with me like this.

When I remain silent, lost in an endless sea of sensation, he nips at my lower lip. “Right?”

There’s a momentary burst of pain before pleasure rushes in, drowning out all other sensation.

“Tell me,” he growls. “Tell me you belong to me.”

“I do.” It’s only when the answer escapes that I realize it’s the truth.

I belong to Asher Stevens. I have no idea when it happened, but there’s no denying that it has.

“Just like you belong to me,” I tell him.

The expression on his face turns fierce. “Damn right I do.”

Joy explodes inside me as his lips crash onto mine and his tongue invades my mouth. Just as I give myself over to the kiss, he draws away. Air bursts from my lungs as he sinks lower, nibbling at my jawline.

Everywhere he touches, my flesh burns as if it’s on fire. I bare my throat as he moves steadily along the narrow column before licking my pulse, bathing it with moisture. At this very moment, it feels as if it’s beating solely for him.

He drops kisses along my collarbone before continuing his downward descent until reaching the rounded curve of my breasts. He nuzzles the softness before drawing one pebbled nipple into his mouth. The tug of his lips sends a burning arrow of need straight to my core. When I can’t stand another moment of the intensity, he releases the bud before giving the same attention to the other one. My back bows, craving more of the addictive feelings that rush through my veins.