Having a man come to our house and cook for us is a new experience, and I can tell Mama is even more in awe of Asher than the first time they met. Trust me, his good looks and charm totally bowled her over. She didn’t stop talking about him for days.

“You’re welcome. It wasn’t that difficult,” he says modestly, flashing a smile. “I might actually try making this for the guys.”

Mama hasn’t always been the best judge of character when it comes to men. All the ones she’s brought home have been losers. Either they didn’t have jobs, or they were just plain assholes. It was always a relief when they decided to take off. There were a few who had me locking my door at night and forcing myself to stay awake until I couldn’t keep my eyelids open any longer.

But her assessment of Asher is spot on. He’s turned out to be a good one.

“Thanks for this,” I whisper, overwhelmed with emotion for the second time today. I’ve always been able to keep my feelings tamped down inside where they couldn’t see the light of day. Getting through life is just easier that way.

That’s not possible with him.

His lips quirk as he winks.

My belly spasms with everything that churns within me, almost making it impossible to enjoy this meal. Asher, on the other hand, bulldozes his way through his spaghetti before helping himself to seconds. And then thirds. The guy certainly has one hell of an appetite. The funny thing is that he’s so lean and cut. I have no idea where he puts it.

After Mama finishes, she disappears back to her room, telling me that she’s going to spend a little time searching online for a job. The new medication she’s on took a couple weeks to work, but it seems to be making a difference. Her moods are more stable, she’s getting out of bed in the mornings, and she’s even leaving the house during the day.

She’s also talking to another guy online. A little part of me groaned when she told me about him the other day. I can only hope this relationship doesn’t end like the last one. I don’t want to see all her steady progress blown to shit.

Once we’re alone, Asher pops to his feet and grabs his plate.

I take it from his hand before dumping it in the sink to wash. “I’ve got it. Why don’t you sit and relax? You made dinner; I’ll clean up.”

When I return to the table to grab more dishes, he nabs my fingers and slowly draws me to him. A second later, I find myself situated on his lap. It’s become one of my favorite places.

“The whole point of this evening was to take care of you.”

“And you did,” I say, pressing a kiss against his mouth. “No one has ever cooked dinner for me, and I’m really appreciative.” I glance toward the small hallway. “I think Mama enjoyed it, too.”

His lips lift into a wider smile. “I’m glad I could be your first.”

He has…for so many things. That’s the moment I realize I’m truly falling in love with this guy. It feels like a swan dive into the deep end of the pool. There’s no longer a way to yank myself back from the precipice. I’m in way too deep.

The silent acknowledgment is as thrilling as it is terrifying. I’ve always been so careful to protect myself from getting hurt. And yet, Asher managed to slip past all my ninja-like defenses. He was an unlikely hero, and because of that, I didn’t take him seriously. By the time I realized the error of my ways, it was too late.

“Me, too.” I clear my throat along with all those thoughts. For now, I need to keep it to myself. “Do you want to stay here tonight?”

His brows shoot up as he searches my eyes. “Are you sure that’s cool with your mom?”

“It’ll be fine.” I give him a knowing look. “We’ll just have to be quiet.”

A slow grin spreads across his face. “Hmmm. That sounds like a challenge.”

“Definitely not,” I say with a chuckle.

“Are you sure?” He cocks his head. “It’s awfully tempting to see if I can make you scream louder than the last time.”

That’s all it takes for the delicious things he did to me the other night to crash through my brain. The man certainly is…talented.

And mine.

That’s not something I ever thought I’d say.

Warmth spreads through my chest before settling in my core like a heavy stone.

Instead of responding, I nip at his bottom lip. He groans, tightening his hold on my hips.

“Let me clean up the kitchen and then maybe I’ll be the one to make you scream.”

“Like a little girl?”

Laughter gurgles up in my throat. “Possibly.”

A smirk curls around the edges of his lips as I rise to my feet. He swats my ass as I gather up the rest of the plates and drop them off in the sink. I have no idea why it should heat me up, but there’s no denying the effect it has on me.