Charlotte’s tongue darts out to moisten her lips. “We just always thought it would be less confusing—”

Revulsion burns my insides as I wave away her lame explanation. “Save it, lady. That’s horseshit, and we all know it. You didn’t want to be bothered with her. My guess is that you didn’t want a kid from your husband’s past tarnishing the picture-perfect life you were trying so damn hard to create.” I glare at her and then Tony. “You both make me sick.”

When they remain silent, I realize I’ve hit the nail on the head. I didn’t think it was possible for me to feel any more disgusted.

“When Lola makes a decision, she’ll inform the transplant center and they’ll let you know. Don’t call her again.”

“How dare you!” Tony growls, face turning a mottled purple hue.

I take a step toward him before stopping myself. The last thing I want to do is stress Lola out more than she already is by getting into an altercation with her—

Whoever the fuck this guy is to her.

“I’m serious. Don’t bother her again,” I snap before swinging away and stalking down the aisle.

I’m so angry that I’m practically vibrating with it.

How dare I?

How fucking dare he!

They can both go to hell, as far as I’m concerned.

As I turn the corner, I come to an abrupt halt when I find Lola standing there with wide eyes and tears staining her ashen cheeks.

Aw, fuck. It was never my intention to hurt her. I didn’t want her to hear any of that.

My shoulders slump as guilt bubbles up inside me. She’s probably going to be pissed. “I’m—”

Before I can force out an apology, she hurls her body into my arms.

“I can’t believe you said all that,” she whispers, thick emotion clogging her throat. “Thank you.”

She clings to me as if she’ll never let go. And in that moment of intense connection, I realize I don’t want her to.



An hour later and I’m still shellshocked from the run-in at the grocery store. My gaze stays pinned to Asher as I sit at the table and watch him putter around the small kitchen as he prepares dinner.

Every time I pipe up, offering a helpful hint, he shoots an exasperated look my way. So, I’ve decided to keep my mouth closed for the time being and enjoy a man doing something nice for me. Because, at the end of the day, that’s exactly what his intentions are. And I couldn’t be more grateful.

Or feel luckier.

I grab my glass of ice water and take a sip. My gaze resettles on Asher as he dumps a box of noodles into a boiling pot. It takes effort to stop myself from commenting that half the box would have been more than enough for the three of us. His brows draw together as he stares at the directions before swinging toward the microwave and pressing a few buttons to set the timer.

Good lord, could this guy be any sexier?

What is it about a man moving around a kitchen, preparing food as you sit and watch?

While filling a large stainless-steel pot with water, he casually mentioned that he’s never cooked a meal in his life.

Not once.

And here he is, carving out time in his busy schedule to do it for me. That’s all it took for my heart to melt into a little puddle of goo. Although, if I’m being perfectly honest, I’m pretty sure my heart was already gooey from what he said to Tony and Charlotte. Maybe I shouldn’t have stuck around and listened, but I was afraid he was going to get into it with Tony. I didn’t want that to happen. Especially if it ended up causing problems for him with school or football.

Just so you know, I don’t think Lola missed out on anything by your absence in her life, but the same can’t be said for you. You have no idea what an incredible person she is. That girl is fucking amazing. I’m lucky she let me in, because she doesn’t do that with many people. And you’re part of the reason. I hope you realize that she deserves way better than you.

Tears sprung to my eyes as my heart nearly beat out of my chest. No matter how long I live, I won’t ever forget that moment. Or the way he sounded as the words tripped off his tongue.

So yeah…my head is still spinning, and I’m not sure when it’ll stop.

Fifteen minutes later, the noodles have been strained, the garlic bread is out of the oven, and the salad has been divided into three bowls with croutons and dressing. Even though he told me not to, I set the table.

It’s the very least I could do.

Mama is sitting across from Asher as she picks up her fork. “This looks wonderful. Gracias.”