“Have you made a decision yet?” Tony blurts, drawing our attention.

There’s no greeting from him. It’s just right down to the point.

Hurt flashes across Lola’s expression before being quickly masked. She’d rather rip out her own fingernails than allow Tony or his wife to glimpse an ounce of her pain. Their careless treatment ignites my temper, sending it skyrocketing into the stratosphere. The only reason they’re bothering with her is because she has the best chance of helping their daughter.

I’ve never had much of a temper. During a game, I’ll happily crack a few skulls together to make sure we pull off a win. Other than that, I’ve never given a shit about anything or anyone enough to dredge up that kind of intense emotion. My feelings for Lola are proving to be different at every turn.

Her muscles stiffen. “No, not yet.”

It’s tempting to rub soft circles along her back just so she remembers that I’m here.

Charlotte reaches out, grabbing hold of her husband’s hand. When he glances at her, she gives him a barely perceptible head shake. He smashes his lips together in response.

“If you have any questions regarding the donation process, we’d be happy to sit down and discuss them with you.” Her gaze flickers to mine almost as an afterthought. “And, of course, your friend.”

“Asher,” Lola says. “His name is Asher.”

From the corner of my eye, I watch as her hands tighten until the knuckles turn bone white.

“Right. Sorry,” the older woman says in a rush. “Asher. He’s more than welcome to join us.”

“That’s not necessary. I’ve spent a lot of time talking everything out with the advocate. I just need a few more days and then I’ll have an answer for you.”

Irritation flickers across Tony’s face.

So help me god, if he opens his yap again, I’ll go off like a shot.

“That’s understandable,” Charlotte says, voice becoming strained around the edges.

Unable to take another moment of their callousness, I say, “Hey, babe, we need to get moving. Why don’t you grab the garlic bread and parmesan cheese?”

Surprise fills Lola’s eyes as she meets my gaze and searches it. “Right now?”


Silent understanding passes between us as her teeth sink into her lower lip.

“Go on,” I say softly before unwinding my arm and giving her a little push toward the end of the aisle. “I won’t be long. Promise.”

“Are you sure?”


Our gazes stay fastened for a couple of heartbeats before she reluctantly walks away. When she finally reaches the endcap, she sends another glance over her shoulder before disappearing around the corner. Only then do I swing back to Tony and Charlotte.

I can’t even bring myself to call this man her father. It’s exactly like she claimed—he’s nothing more than a sperm donor. It’s funny, when she originally made the comment, I’d thought she was being harsh. Maybe even a little dramatic. Unfortunately, I now see it’s the truth.

“I hope you both realize that Lola doesn’t owe you a damn thing.”

Charlotte’s mouth falls into a small O of shock as Tony gnashes his teeth. It’s obvious from the way he straightens that he wants to argue, but we both know he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

When they remain silent, my voice grows louder. It’s so fucking tempting to blast them into next week. “You should be thankful that she hasn’t given you a flat-out denial. All either of you has done is hound her for an answer. When that didn’t work, you laid on the guilt.” There’s a pause as I search both their expressions. “Except, Kylie isn’t really her sister, now is she? How could they be siblings when you’ve done everything in your power to keep Lola out of your lives and away from the two people she could have had a relationship with? If you didn’t need something, you wouldn’t be giving her the time of day. Don’t think for a second that she doesn’t understand that.”

Charlotte’s face turns ashen as she whispers, “That’s not true.”

Her husband glares but remains impassive.

“Sure, it is. Don’t lie to yourself or me. And especially not to Lola.”

It takes every ounce of self-control not to grab Tony by the shirtfront and wring his damn neck. I’m so fucking close to losing it.

“Just so you know, I don’t think Lola missed out on a damn thing by your absence in her life, but the same can’t be said for you.” My gaze flickers to his wife. “You have no idea what an incredible person she is.” I jerk my thumb in the direction where Lola last stood before disappearing from sight. “That girl is fucking amazing. I’m lucky she let me in, because she doesn’t do that with many people. And you’re part of the reason. I hope you realize she deserves way better than you.”

Now that I’ve finished my tirade, a heavy silence falls over our small group.