“I suppose if this works out, you’ll be able to recover from the surgery during the break before school starts up again.”

That realization is like a punch to the gut and brings the situation into sharper focus. I’m trying to take everything one step at a time and not get too far ahead of myself.

I shift on my chair. “Yeah, I guess so.”

Asher slips his hand around mine. When he gives my fingers a gentle squeeze, I yank my gaze from hers and glance at him. His quiet strength feels like a lifeline, and it hits me that I could easily drown without him here. He gives me a slight smile, one that’s meant to reassure. Strangely enough, that’s exactly what it does.

I’m saved from further conversation with Tony and his wife when an older woman emerges from behind a closed door with a warm smile.


As I pop to my feet, everyone besides Kylie does the same.

Tony clears his throat. “We were hoping to sit in on the appointment with you.”

My gaze flickers to Asher in uncertainty as the muscles in my belly contract. I’d much prefer they didn’t, but I find myself unable to give voice to that response. “Sure, no problem.”

The woman holds open the door before herding the five of us into a small room down the hall. Charlotte directs Kylie to one of two chairs before settling next to her and slipping an arm around her thin shoulders. When she presses a kiss against her cheek, I glance away. Much like in the waiting room, Tony stands sentinel on the other side of his daughter, almost as if she’s in need of protecting.

Once the woman closes the door, she looks over the group before meeting my gaze. “Hello, Lola. It’s nice to meet you. My name is Sue, and I’ll be walking you through what to expect today. The evaluation process consists of three parts. The first entails medical tests, where you’ll have a physical exam. We’ll take a health history, blood and urine test, chest X-ray, a 3D reconstruction CT/CAT scan, a MRCP of your abdomen, and an EKG which takes a snapshot of your heart.”

When I release a steady breath, she smiles. “I know it sounds like a lot, but the tests aren’t invasive. The second part consists of meeting with the living donor team. This will be your assigned social worker, kidney specialist, surgeon, dietician, transplant nurse coordinator, and an independent living donor advocate. The goal here is to make sure you have all the necessary information to make an educated decision.”

My head swims from information overload. As much as I tried to prepare myself by researching the surgery, it’s still overwhelming.

“Then, lastly, there will be an educational component to the program. We’ll talk you through the process and what each stage looks like, the risks that are involved, donation options, the surgical procedure, pain management, and aftercare.” She glances at Kylie. “From my understanding, your sister will be the recipient of your direct donation.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to correct her. Instead, I remain silent. Surprisingly, no one else pipes up either.

“It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed,” Sue says softly. “Do you have any questions that I can answer before we get started?”

Tony clears his throat, drawing everyone’s attention. “If Lola turns out to be a match, how soon can we schedule the surgery?”

I stiffen, wishing more than ever the trio had stayed in the waiting room. Or better yet, returned home after Kylie’s appointment. The only thing they’re doing is setting my nerves on edge. It doesn’t feel like I can open up and talk honestly with Tony and Charlotte listening to every concern or question that comes out of my mouth.

“That depends. It’ll be important for Lola to take some time and think about her decision. This surgery isn’t something to be taken lightly. After today, she’ll have a better sense of the process and be more informed.”

“Of course, we understand that. The problem is we don’t have time to waste.” He squeezes Kylie’s shoulder before giving her an encouraging smile.

Sue’s warm expression never falters. “I think at this point, it would probably be best if you take Kylie home. Once the team has gathered all the pertinent information, they’ll meet to discuss whether Lola is a good candidate for donation.” Her gaze touches on me again. “If it turns out that she is, Lola will need to make that decision, and from there, it could take a few weeks. Maybe less, depending on surgeon schedules.”

“Oh.” Tony frowns before glancing at his daughter. “I’m sure Charlotte can take Kylie home and I—”

The older woman shakes her head before turning her attention to Asher. “Were you planning on staying here, young man?”

“Yup,” he says with a nod, “I’ll be with her all day.”