When he stretches out his hand, I grab hold of it before we walk out of his room and then the house. His Escalade is parked down the street. Once we reach it, he clicks the locks, and we slide inside. The restaurant we’re meeting his brother at is only a five-minute drive from campus. There’s barely enough time for nerves to bubble up inside me.

I give Asher a bit of side-eye as I nibble my lower lip.

Before I can ask for the umpteenth time if he’s absolutely sure about introducing us, he lays his hand over mine and squeezes. “You’re making a bigger deal out of this than necessary. It’s just my brother. You’ll like him.” His lips tremble around the corners before he adds, “He’s type A, just like you.”

It takes a moment to decide if I should take offense to that comment.

“How many girls have you introduced to your family?”

His gaze flicks to mine before locking on it. “You’re the first.”

Even though I kind of expected the answer, it still makes my heart constrict. “And he knows you’re bringing me?”

“Yup. Can’t wait to meet you.”

I narrow my eyes. “He actually said that?”

“Sure did.”

I draw in a deep breath and try to relax against the leather seat. Just when everything within me calms, he swings into the parking lot of the Sunrise Café. It’s a popular place that serves breakfast all day long.

After he cuts the engine, we exit the vehicle and meet near the hood. With a reassuring smile, he grabs my hand as we head to the entrance of the restaurant. There’s a burst of noisy chatter as we walk inside and stop by the hostess station instead of seating ourselves.

Asher tells the girl standing behind the podium that we have a reservation under Stevens. That’s all it takes for recognition to light up her eyes. It’s tempting to roll mine. It seems like everywhere we go, people instantly recognize him. She fires off a few questions before asking to snap a selfie. With an apologetic look aimed in my direction, he takes the photo.

“This is exactly why I hate going out in public with this guy.”

I startle at the deep voice near my ear and swing around, only to find a tall, handsome man with dark blond hair and blue eyes. He looks so much like Asher that the resemblance is uncanny.

When I remain silent, he flashes a bright white smile before thrusting out his hand. “Jack Stevens. Nice to meet you.”

I clear my throat as his fingers slip around mine. “Lola.”

“Yup, I figured.” His gaze bounces to his brother, who is attempting to untangle himself from the hostess. Before he can do that, a handful of people wander over, asking to take more pictures. “Do you think we should seat ourselves and hope that he can join us at some point?”

Even though it sounds like he’s joking, I get the strange feeling he’s not. It takes a moment to find my voice. “I’m sure they’ll finish up in a minute.”

He jerks his head toward the growing group that surrounds Asher. “If you want to get in the photos, go for it.”

Umm…no thanks.

Why would he even ask that?

I shake my head. “Nope. I’m good.”

Jack stuffs his hands into the pockets of his khakis as he studies me with more care. “It was a surprise when Ash mentioned that he was seeing someone. Guess there really is a first time for everything. How long has it been?”

The comment gives me pause. Is it my imagination, or is this guy being a jerk?

“A couple weeks.”

“Wow. That’s practically an eternity for him. He’s more of a one-night stand kind of guy, if you catch my drift.”

Nope. It isn’t my imagination at all. Asher’s brother is a massive jerk.

“So, how did you crazy kids meet?” Before I can answer, his lips quirk as he says, “Wait a minute, let me guess—you hooked up at a party.”

My spine stiffens as a chill enters my voice. “Actually, he asked me to tutor him, and then we started spending more time together.”

“And you still decided to date him after that?” With a snort, he shakes his head. The smile stays firmly plastered across his handsome face, which I’m now tempted to punch. “You must be a real glutton for punishment.”

My mouth tumbles open. For a second or two, I’m stunned into silence. I was wrong about him being a jerk, he’s an asshole.

A raging one at that.

I straighten my shoulders and snap, “Yeah, I did. The more I’ve gotten to know him, the more I actually like spending time with him.”

He nods, glancing at his brother for a moment. “What’s not to like? Asher has always been the life of the party.”

Anger bursts inside me as my voice hardens. “Actually, he’s a lot more than that. And it’s a little surprising that you, as his brother, don’t realize it.”