A few seconds of contact and I’m ready to devour her in one tasty gulp. Arousal rushes through my veins and my cock stirs with interest. It’s so tempting to take this further, but I refuse to do that. Not while we’re parked outside her house.

An internal battle wages within me, and it takes every ounce of self-control to pull away. Especially when I see the way her eyelids have fallen to half-mast and how her lips are swollen from my kisses. I have to stifle the groan that rumbles up from my chest along with the need that demands I yank her back into my arms where she belongs.

“You better go,” I growl, only wanting to lay my hands and lips back on her. I want to sink into the welcoming heat of her body, fucking her until she has no other choice but to admit that she belongs with me.

To me.

Her tongue darts out to moisten her lips. “I could stay for a few more minutes.”

When I cup the side of her face with my palm, she presses closer.

“First off, what I want to do won’t take a couple of minutes. And second, the last thing either one of us needs is a ticket for indecent exposure.”

And third—although I keep it to myself—I don’t want anyone catching a glimpse of Lola when I’m pleasuring her. Whether she’s fully wrapped her head around it or not, she belongs to me. I might have shared girls in the past, but it’ll be over my dead fucking body that happens with her.



“Are you sure I should come with?” I ask, still lounging on his bed. Amusingly enough, I didn’t think there was anything that could take my mind off the appointment that’s set up for tomorrow, but I was wrong.

Asher glances at me from the steam-filled bathroom as he dries off.

Even though I’ve seen him naked numerous times, I’m still transfixed by the sight of him straight out of the shower.

“Yeah, why not?”

I refocus my attention on his face and shrug. “I don’t know. Maybe you want to spend time alone with your brother.”

He runs the towel over his arms and chest before lifting a leg to the toilet seat and running it over his thickly muscled—

“You keep looking at me like that and I can guarantee we won’t make it to breakfast.” Heat flashes in his eyes. “Actually, I’ll be eating breakfast. Again.”

Would that be such a bad thing?

Probably not.

Even though we had sex before he jumped in the shower, arousal bursts to life in my core. Never in my life have I felt this insatiable. It’s like I’m addicted to the man.

“Sorry,” I mutter, dropping my gaze as heat slams into my cheeks.


When I glance up to meet his eyes, he says, “Don’t ever apologize for wanting me. I fucking love it.” There’s a pause. “Now, get your ass dressed. We’re supposed to meet up with him in twenty minutes.”

Even though Asher has met my mom, this feels like a big deal. One I’m not sure I’m ready for. It’s a little surprising that he is. Sometimes it feels like this relationship is moving at the speed of light. With those thoughts swirling through my head, I rise from the bed and grab my panties, bra, jeans, and T-shirt. I might not be looking at him, but I can feel his heated gaze licking over my naked body.

“Hmmm. Maybe I should cancel,” he says, voice turning low, strumming something deep within me, “and we can just hang here for a couple hours before class.”

I yank on the shirt before smoothing it out. It would seem like a subject change is necessary, otherwise he’s right—we won’t make it to the restaurant. “When was the last time you saw your brother?”

Now that he’s dried off, he hangs up the towel and saunters into the bedroom, yanking open the top drawer of his dresser and grabbing a pair of black boxer briefs from inside. My gaze unconsciously falls to his cock. Even in repose, it’s thick and long.

When he chuckles, I gulp and force my gaze away.

“About a month ago. I stopped by the house and grabbed dinner.”

“It’s just you two, right? Are you close?” I settle on the bed and gather the long strands of my hair into a ponytail. Technically, Kylie and Antonio are my half-siblings, but I don’t consider them family since our relationship is nonexistent. Growing up was lonely, and I always secretly longed for a sister or brother.

He shrugs. “Yeah, it’s just us, and I guess we’re close.”

I guess?

Before I can fire off any more questions, he pulls on a T-shirt and jeans, stuffs his feet in Sperrys, and runs his fingers through his hair before grabbing his keys. “All set.”

I blink, disappointed that he’s already clothed. There’s nothing more that I love than watching him. Especially when he’s preoccupied and isn’t paying attention to my perusal. Then, I can eat him up with my eyes as much as I want.