Maybe a small drawer of personal belongings and a few items of clothing.

And then, before you know it, you’re sucked into a full-blown relationship. I’ve avoided those in the past like a nasty STI, making sure to steer clear of chicks who give off any I’m looking for a boyfriend vibes.

“I should probably go home and check in with my mom. Make sure everything’s okay.”

That’s not the answer I was hoping for. “We could always swing by your place before heading to mine.”

God…could I sound any more desperate?

“I think it’s better if I just stay at my house tonight.” Her gaze flickers to mine. “Is that cool?”

I shift on the leather seat and tamp down my disappointment. “Yeah, of course. No problem.”

Silence descends before she breaks it. “Tony sent over the donor information.” There’s a pause. “I set up an evaluation for Thursday, and I’ll probably be there for about eight hours.”

Holy shit.

I’d assumed there would be blood work before moving forward with any further testing. Apparently, that’s not the case.

I rip my gaze from the ribbon of road stretched out in front of me to scrutinize her expression. What I’ve learned about Lola is that she has a damn good poker face and likes to keep everything close to her chest. She’s not one to give away her feelings. While most girls want to talk something to death, she’ll barely mention it in passing.

I reach out and wrap my fingers around hers, wanting to offer as much support as I can. Even if it’s just being there with her, holding her close, and telling her that everything will be all right.

“Are you having second thoughts?”

She keeps her gaze focused straight ahead. “No, it’s just testing. I haven’t committed to anything more than that.”

“Why does it take so long?” Eight hours. That’s all damn day.

“From what I understand, there’s a ton of things that need to be done.” Her teeth rake her lower lip. “Bloodwork, urine analysis, a physical examination, chest X-ray, and EKG.” Lola shakes her head as if she’s having a hard time wrapping her mind around all of it. “I wrote it down when I spoke with the coordinator to set up the appointment.”

“And all of that will take eight hours?”

When she releases a steady puff of air, I squeeze her fingers, wanting her to concentrate on me and not everything churning in her head.

“No. After that, there are consults with a social worker, kidney specialist, and transplant surgeon. Maybe even a nutritionist. Honestly, I can’t remember.”

“Wow. That’s a lot,” I murmur. “I’ll come with if you want.”

She shakes her head. “That’s not necessary. I can do it myself.”

Always so damn reluctant to accept help or even support. It’s like she’s an island unto herself.

“What I should have said is that I’ll be coming with you.”

She glances at me with wide eyes. “But—”

I shake my head as my expression hardens. “There are no buts. We’ll go together and I’ll stay with you the entire time.”

Even though I turn back to the road before taking a left onto the street that leads to her house, I’m aware of her gaze fastened on me. I can almost hear the questions and indecision whipping through her brain.

Once I pull into the short drive, I park the truck and swivel toward her. “I’m coming with you on Thursday. End of story. Got it?”

For a moment, it seems like she might argue, and I prepare myself for battle. This isn’t one she’s going to win.

When I raise my brows in challenge, she huffs out a breath. “Fine.”

“What time is the appointment?”

“Nine. At the transplant center near the hospital.”

“Then we’ll leave at eight thirty. That should give us plenty of time to get there and check in.”

“What about your classes and practice? Can you really afford to miss them?”

I wave away her concerns. “I’ll email my professors and talk to Coach. It won’t be a problem.”

Even though Lola doesn’t necessarily like me telling her what to do, it would be impossible to miss the relief that floods into her eyes.

When she glances away, staring into the darkness, I reach out and slip my fingers beneath her chin before turning it until she can meet my searching gaze. “When I told you I wouldn’t hurt you, I meant it. Haven’t I earned even a little bit of your trust yet?”

Her tongue darts out to moisten her lips as confusion flickers across her expression. “I wish it were that simple.”

“It could be, if you’d lower your guard just enough to let me in.”

Before she can respond, my hand drifts from her chin, strumming along her cheek, to the nape of her neck before dragging her forward until my mouth can stroke over hers. As her lips part, my tongue slips inside to mingle with her own. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed kissing another girl this much. There’s something about her sweet taste that leaves me hungry for more.