And yet…

I shake away those thoughts.

“I love that you’re so fucking sexual,” he rasps.

Yeah…that’s the funny thing. I’ve never been that way until now.

Until him.



I glance at Asher, who is camped out at a small table at the back of the restaurant, studying and plowing his way through some homework. His AirPods are shoved in his ears to drown out the noisy chatter surrounding him.

Every once in a while, he’ll look up and our gazes will catch. Electricity will sizzle through my veins before settling deep in my core like a heavy weight. I have to clench my thighs to styme the arousal that crashes through my body each time it happens.

True story—I’m twenty-two years old and this is the first time I’ve been caught up in someone. It’s as scary as it is exhilarating. Kind of like swinging on a trapeze without a net.

“I see lover boy is here again,” Carmen says, sidling up beside me when I wasn’t looking. “We’re gonna start charging him rent.”

I startle, knocked from my thoughts, which is probably for the best. This guy is consuming way too much of my energy. What I’ve discovered about Asher is that he has more depth and intelligence than he allows people to see. I’m not sure what the reason is for that. We’re still learning each other.


I clear my throat and straighten my shoulders. This isn’t the time or place to dwell on that. Plus, the last thing I need is to get all hot and bothered. Especially when there’s nothing that can be done about it. “I’m tutoring him.”

“Uh-huh. Sure.”

My cousin knows me well enough and isn’t buying that lame-ass excuse for a minute.

“What exactly are you tutoring him in?” She waggles her brows suggestively. “That’s what I’d like to know.”

“Please…” I grumble, embarrassed by this line of questioning. I’ve never been one to kiss and tell. My philosophy is that private matters should stay private. Carmen doesn’t subscribe to the same opinion. I’ve been treated to descriptions that go into way too much graphic detail.

Things that can never be unheard again.

Her eyes widen as she straightens. “Holy shit, you’re blushing!”

She crows this loud enough for her brother, Mateo, to turn and stare. When he hikes a brow, more heat fills my face. Instead of tag teaming me, which they’ve been known to do on more than one occasion, he thankfully walks away with a pan full of dirty dishes.

I glance around, hoping no one else is paying attention to our convo before grumbling, “I am not.”

“Yes, you are. Your cheeks are totally red.” With a shake of her head, she plants her hands on curvy hips. “I never thought I’d see the day you caught feelings for some hot jock.”

“I haven’t caught feelings,” I lie. Even though I’ve admitted as much to myself, that doesn’t mean I’m willing to talk about it with my cousin. Not yet, anyway.

We’re just so…different. Is it even possible for a relationship to work between us?

I’m serious minded, and he’s the furthest thing from it.

You have to drag me to a party, and he’s the life of it.

I’m low profile, and he’s anything but. Even here at the restaurant, people stop by his table, wanting to talk football. He’s always gracious about indulging them.


That’s one word I never thought I’d associate with the guy. The other day, José brought in a football for him to sign and Asher did it without question before bullshitting with him for another ten minutes, agreeing to meet with his kid in a week or so.

My heart turns unexpectedly gooey just thinking about it.

Our lives, our personalities…we’re night and day.

And yet…

I like him.

I like spending time with him.

The more that happens, the greedier I am to be with him. I wish it were possible to close out the rest of the world so it was just the two of us. He’s the only person capable of making me forget everything that normally eats away at my brain.

I still as those thoughts circle through my head. If I hadn’t realized how deep I was in with this guy, I certainly do now.

“Yes, you have. It’s written all over your face.” She angles her head and narrows her eyes. “You’re falling for him.”

When I unconsciously raise my hand to my cheek, she bursts out laughing.

“What am I going to do,” I whisper, panic flooding my voice as I drop the charade. “I don’t want to like him. He’s just…too much.”

She glances at Asher and studies him, as if assessing that comment along with the situation. “Damn right he is. Savor it. Savor everything you can with that guy, because I bet he’s hot AF in the bedroom.”

I press my lips together, refusing to comment.

When I remain silent, she chuckles. “You deserve to have fun. Maybe no one’s ever told you this before, but there’s nothing wrong with loosening up and enjoying life, even if it’s just a little bit.”