“Yes,” I whisper. Barely has he touched me and another orgasm is already gathering strength like a storm. My head spins as sensation swamps my system, making it impossible to think straight. I have no idea what this man is doing to me.

His fingers dig into my flesh before disappearing, and then he smacks the other side of my ass. His warm breath wafts over the nape of my neck. “Here’s what you need to understand—I know exactly what you need, and when you finally bend, I’ll give it to you.”

Emotion that had long been dormant breaks free and rises within me, swirling like a tempest until it becomes painful. Almost as if it’s trying to claw its way out.

He grips my cheeks in his hands, massaging them, tugging and pulling. I no longer care if he’s staring at the most vulnerable part of me. The way he’s handling my body feels much too good to protest.

“Don’t move.” That order is accompanied by another smack.

The reverberations of it echo throughout me, flooding my core with more arousal. I don’t understand how something that should be humiliating and painful has the opposite effect.

My cheek is pressed against the mattress, facing the opposite direction. All of my senses are heightened as I listen intently to what he’s doing. The drawer of his nightstand is yanked open before there’s a tearing sound.

A condom.

I’m grateful that at least one of us is cognizant enough to think about protection, because it certainly isn’t me.

And that’s a first.

The last thing I want or need is to end up pregnant. That would ruin all my plans, and I can’t afford for that to happen. Not when I’m so close to digging my way out of the hole I’ve spent my life in.

The cool air of his room swirls around my damp flesh, making me even more aware of my vulnerable state. As tempting as it is to cover myself, I remain still. I don’t understand my desire to follow Asher’s directive, but I find myself unwilling to do otherwise. The fact that one of his teammates or friends could barge into his room at any given moment only heightens the arousal rampaging through my system.

Did he lock the door when he came in earlier?

I rack my brain but can’t remember.

Before I can give voice to the question, he’s back, positioning himself behind me. Anticipation clogs my throat, making it impossible to breathe. His hands settle on my hips before moving to the base of my spine and stroking upward to my neck before trailing down again.

“I know what you need, Lola. Even if you don’t understand it yourself.”

A sliver of fear slides through me. That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.

“Here, in the privacy of this room, you can relinquish control and give it over to me for safekeeping. The weight of the world doesn’t always have to rest on your shoulders.”

I squeeze my eyes tightly shut.

Does he have any idea what he’s asking?

Even if it’s exactly what I want?

Or—like he claims—what I need.

That takes trust.

His hands caress the length of my back until my muscles loosen, the thick tension and confusion leaking from me one tendon at a time, until I’m lulled into a state of relaxation.

“I don’t know any other way,” I whisper, surprised when the words escape from my mouth.

“I realize that.”

“I’m scared,” I force myself to admit, feeling even more vulnerable.

The firm pressure continues to glide over me until my eyelids grow heavy and droop, and I can’t help but relish the feel of his strong hands.

“I get it.” He only ceases the tender ministrations long enough to press a kiss against one shoulder blade. “You like this, don’t you?”

It’s not really a question. More a statement of fact.

“I do.”

“Then let me do this for you. Let me be there for you.”

My lids crack open just a bit. “I don’t want to be disappointed or hurt.”

“You won’t be.”

So badly do I want to believe him.

Believe in him.

When the head of his cock nudges my entrance, I push against him, only wanting to feel his rigid length buried deep inside me. After the time he’s spent rousing my body to a fever pitch, I almost expect him to slam into me before pounding me senseless. And part of me wants that. It would be so much easier than dwelling on the promises he’s made.

Instead, he gradually slides inside my body until he’s buried to the hilt. Once there, he holds perfectly still. He doesn’t withdraw, not right away. There’s something powerful about the feel of his muscular body fitted tightly against me. The dominance of his position and the submissiveness of mine.

Allowing him to lead so I can follow.

As those thoughts flood my brain, I realize how much I like it. How much easier it is to simply be and have the decisions taken out of my hands.