“Dr. Nichols won’t even let me sit by you in class,” she says with a pout.

Not that I’ll admit it to Mallory, but I don’t mind that our professor has moved me to the front row. It cuts down on the distractions and forces me to pay attention to the dragon.

I wrap my hands around the blonde’s waist before hoisting her off my lap and setting her on her feet.

Then, I pop to mine and grab my tray. “It was great running into you, but I gotta take off.”

“What? I just got here,” she says, eyes filling with confusion. “I was hoping we could talk.”

Yeah…talking is the furthest thing from her mind, and I have zero interest in that. The realization gives me pause. Mallory and I have fooled around dozens of times. She knows how to have fun and keep everything lowkey, which is exactly how I like it. If there’s a girl who could take my mind off Lola, it’s the curvy blonde with the banging body.

And yet…I don’t want her.

I don’t want anyone but Lola.



“Are you working tonight?” Mama asks as I grab my purse from the worn seat of the car and wrap my fingers around the door handle.

It’s an odd day off for me. “Nope, but I have a ton of homework to catch up on. So, that’s the plan.”

“And the boy?” Her expression turns playful as she waggles her brows. “Will you be seeing him anytime soon?”

I glance away, breaking eye contact before jerking my shoulders into a shrug. “I’m not sure. We’re both really busy with school.”

“Hmmm. That’s too bad. He’s very handsome.”

“Yes, he is.” What’s surprising is that he’s turned out to be so much more than that. But still…

I have too much going on to get involved with someone like Asher.

Before she can fire off more questions that I have zero desire to answer, I point to the mechanic’s we’re parked in front of. “I should probably get moving.”

She nods. “All right. Te amo.”

I smile as everything loosens within me. Then, I lean over and press a quick kiss to her cheek. “Love you, too.”

Sliding from the LaCrosse, I lift my hand in a wave as she pulls out of the parking lot and onto the main road before pushing through the glass door into the reception area. It’s a sprawling, one-story building made of cinder blocks in a neighboring suburb, about thirty minutes from the university.

Asher texted earlier this morning, letting me know that my car was all set and could be picked up and offered a ride if I needed one. Even though I didn’t necessarily want to reply, it felt rude not to. It’s the first time I’ve responded to one of his messages. He hit me up a handful of times before the texts abruptly stopped.

I’ve been avoiding him since we slept together. I don’t know what it is about the blond football player that has me in such a tangle. He’s the last person I expected to burrow under my skin. It’s the reason I decided to take a giant step back. Even if he was interested in a friends-with-benefits situation, that wouldn’t work. Not with the feelings that have mushroomed up within me. So, cutting off our relationship before anything more could happen was the smartest move to make.

Once at the front desk, I glance around for someone to help me, but I don’t see any employees. After a handful of seconds, I gravitate toward an open door that leads to a garage before peeking around the corner and scanning the space. The faint whisps of music play as I spot a green VW Bug parked in one of the bays, a couple of sedans, as well as an SUV hoisted on a lift.

And there, in the back, is my baby.

Just as I step inside the garage, a deep voice says from behind, “Is there something I can help you with?”

I jolt and swing around, only to find a lanky guy wiping his stained fingers on a towel.

“Um, hi. My car was towed here after an accident, and I was told that it’s ready to be picked up.” With a gulp, I realize I’m babbling. “My name is Lola.”

He shifts his stance and tucks the cloth in his back pocket. “The Fusion, right?”

When I nod, he says, “Yup, it’s all set. We were just changing the oil and topping off the windshield washer fluid. Follow me.”


It’ll be nice to have my baby back again. She might be old with a ton of miles, but she’s mine. I saved up the money I earned from working at the restaurant and bought her after high school graduation. We’ve been through a lot together. I was kind of afraid the mechanic would take one look at the damage and declare the car not worth fixing.