Not really.

All right…maybe a little.

When she stares like that, it kind of reminds me of Coach.

And not in a good way.

“Because I have eyes, and I’ve seen you two together several times.”

I shrug, striving for nonchalant when all I want to do is turn the tables and pump her for information. I’ve never had a girl dominate my thoughts, and I don’t know what to make of the situation. Especially when the female in question has gone into avoidance mode and wants nothing to do with me.

“We’re friends.” For a little bit, I’d thought we were more than that, but now I’m not so sure.

“Interesting. That’s exactly what she said.”

Well, fuck. That’s not the response I was hoping for. Sure, it’s the one I gave, but still…

“Then I guess you have your answer.” For some reason, that pisses me off even more, because maybe I have mine as well. Only, it’s not the one I wanted.

For the first time in my life, I want something more.

It’s a relief when Demi drops the conversation and picks up her grilled chicken sandwich before taking a bite.

I’m just about to turn my attention back to the lovebirds at my side, because anything is better than talking about the girl who ditched my ass, when Demi says, “You know that Lola means the world to me, right?”

When my gaze reluctantly locks on her dark one, she continues in a lower voice. “She’s been through a lot with her family, and I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

I straighten in my chair as my brows snap together. “Exactly what are you trying to imply?”

“I’m not trying to imply anything. I’m giving you facts. Lola has a lot going on and doesn’t need to get jerked around by some guy.”

It takes effort to mask the hurt that flares to life within me. Demi and I have known each other since freshman year and have never had a problem. Hell, I’ve always tried to look out for her out of respect for Coach. “So now I’m just some guy?”

Even though she winces, her chin inches upward. “Come on, Asher. You’re not interested in her. Not really.”

“And you would know that how?” I shoot back.

Her brows arch as disbelief rings throughout her voice. “Are you really trying to tell me that you want more than a hookup?”

A few heads swivel our way as more people listen to our conversation.

I press my lips together and glare, refusing to answer the question. How the hell did I get sucked into this uncomfortable convo?

As soon as I glance at her boyfriend for help, he holds up his hands and shakes his head.

“Sorry. I’m not getting involved in this one.”

“Traitor,” I grumble.

His lips quirk as he pulls his girlfriend close before dropping a kiss on the top of her head. “Go easy on him, Dem,” he whispers loud enough for me to overhear. “Maybe the resident player has finally found a girl worth changing for.”

When I give him the finger, his shoulders shake with silent laughter.

“Look,” she says, huffing out a breath, “I’m not trying to get all up in your business—”

“Really? Could have fooled me.”

Her eyes narrow. “I’m just protective of my friend. If you know anything about Lola, then you can understand why I would feel that way.”

Her eyes bore into me.

Unsure what to say, I plow a hand through my hair. Here’s the funny thing—I’m not the one who skipped out after a night of phenomenal sex. I’m also not the one who won’t return calls or texts. It’s tempting to admit all that, but I’ll be damned if I do. It’s not Demi—or anyone else’s—business.

I force my muscles to loosen. “Yeah, I get it. Whether you believe me or not, I have no intention of hurting her, okay?”

Confusion flickers across her face, and for a moment, it seems like she might say more before finally nodding. “All right.”

The tension simmering in the air dissolves as quickly as it sprung up. I polish off the rest of my burger and fries. Normally, lunch is a twenty-minute break in the day where I can bullshit with my friends, flirt with a couple of girls, and chill out.

That’s not the case this afternoon.

Even though I try to shove Demi’s comments from my head, along with the girl who wants nothing to do with me, it’s impossible. Lola has pitched a tent and is currently camped out there, refusing to budge. I’m knocked from those thoughts when Mallory settles on my lap and tangles her arms around my neck.

“Hey, Asher.” She presses closer, wriggling her ass against my junk. “I miss you. Every time I drop by the house, you’re gone.”

“Sorry, it’s been busy.” From the corner of my eye, I catch Demi glaring in my direction. I can practically feel the burn of her gaze attempting to singe me alive.