When my balls draw up against my body, I realize that this is it. I won’t last much longer. My fingers loosen from around her thigh so that my thumb can settle over her clit before rubbing soft circles. My teeth are so tightly clenched, it feels like they’re in imminent danger of shattering.

That’s all it takes for her to fall apart beneath my fingertips. As soon as she cries out my name, I lose it, following her over the precipice. The orgasm that streaks through my body is like nothing I’ve experienced before. As much as I want to close my eyes and savor the delicious sensation, my gaze stays pinned to hers, needing to see every thought and feeling as it crashes over her features.

Have I ever seen anything as beautiful as Lola when she lets go of the tightly harnessed grip she keeps on her emotions, giving herself over to the pleasure coursing through her?

That’s when I realize I need more.

More of this.

More of her.



As soon as my eyelids flutter open, I realize that I’m in Asher’s bed for the second time in less than a week. Unlike Sunday morning, I turn my head and find him sprawled out beside me, snoring softly. I can’t help but take a few moments to soak him in.

The man is certainly a sight to behold.

Even in sleep, he oozes sex, power, and masculinity. I haven’t wanted to admit to myself just how attractive he is. I didn’t want to have anything in common with the hundreds of girls on this campus who clamor for his attention, trailing after him like lovesick schoolgirls.

It’s disconcerting to realize that I’m no different from them.

When exactly did I let down my guard enough for him to sneak past it?

Better question—how do I resurrect it again to keep him out?

When he stirs, I blink back to the present and refocus my attention.

My fingers itch to reach out and tunnel their way through his thick strands. I tighten my hand until the rounded nails sink into my palm in order to resist the temptation.

His eyebrows are a few shades darker and make a striking contrast to the golden blond hair. There’s a sweep of thick eyelashes resting against his cheeks. Any female would be jealous of their length and thickness.

As I scrutinize him with more intensity, I notice the slight crook in his nose as if it might have been broken. It’s a flaw that should lessen his male beauty, but instead, the imperfection only adds to it. His cheekbones are surprisingly sharp. The guy could probably model if he wanted to. Sadly, I could imagine him on a Time’s Square billboard wearing nothing but tight-fitting boxers that show off the goods. My gaze drifts to his mouth before settling on it.

I’ll say this…the amount of pleasure those lips are capable of giving is almost impossible to comprehend.

At least to me it is.

Last night was—hands down—the best sex of my life.

Now…is that necessarily saying much?

Probably not. The guys I’ve been with have been mediocre at best. It was always a crapshoot. Sometimes, I’d orgasm and others, it would remain frustratingly elusive. Most were in a hurry and couldn’t control themselves. Or maybe they just didn’t care enough to bother.

Asher is the first guy to make me feel like I want to claw my way out of my own skin. Even when he went down on me the other morning, I’d never felt such intensity flood through my body. After that experience, I completely understand why women spread their legs so easily for him.

Who wouldn’t want more of that?

Hell, I’d probably be tumbling headfirst into…something with him if I didn’t know better.

Thank god, I’m smarter than that.

Last night, I did something I normally wouldn’t and let go of the tight grip I keep on my emotions, allowing myself to splinter apart. Nine hours later, I’ve carefully put myself back together again. Dinner with Tony and his family turned out to be a far more emotional affair than I’d prepared myself for.

Because of that, I’d been a total wreck afterward. I don’t regret letting my guard down. I released a lot of pent-up stress and I feel better for it.


More in control.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean I want it to happen again.

Maybe Asher isn’t the guy I originally pegged him to be, but he’s still a player. As intrigued as I am by the different facets he’s revealed, it’s still not enough to take a chance and let him in. I’ve got too much going on in my life to take on another complication. And that’s exactly what Asher is—a complication I don’t need.

Or want.

Yesterday, he told me everything I’d always secretly yearned to hear.

Do I necessarily believe him when he said that he’d stand by my side and be there for me?