I can’t help but remember how the child support payments stopped the day I turned eighteen. As if I didn’t need money to buy food or pay for new clothes once I hit that magic number. It's the reason I started waitressing at my uncle’s restaurant when I was barely old enough to get a job. We needed the extra cash I brought in to make ends meet.

Gaping at this gorgeous house that is grand enough to be in a glossy magazine spread—one that could probably fit ten of the tiny two-bedroom ranches I live in—seems more like a cruel joke than anything else. If I needed further proof that my existence means absolutely nothing to my biological father, I have it.

This is the first invitation that has ever been extended. As I continue staring with my face smashed against the window, I realize that would still be the case if they didn’t need something from me. I’m forced from those thoughts when Asher lays a hand on my shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze.

“Are you okay?”

A gurgle of laughter threatens to bubble up and break loose.

No…I’m not.

I’m as far from okay as you can get.

But I can’t admit that. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always pretended to be strong, even when it felt impossible, because there was no other choice in the matter.

“Yes. I just want to get this over with.”

When I continue to stare out the window, strong fingers settle under my chin before gently turning my head to meet his gaze.

He searches my eyes for a long, drawn-out moment. “You don’t have to lie to me.”

My mouth turns cottony as my tongue darts out to moisten my lips. “What would you like me to say?”

“The truth. Just be honest about what you’re feeling.”

“I want to be anywhere but here,” I whisper into the darkness.

“That’s understandable.” He cocks his head. “You know that we don’t have to do this. We can cancel. All you have to do is say the word and we’ll get out of here.” He nods toward the house. “They can fuck themselves.”

A burst of air explodes from my lungs. For some strange reason, the earnest offer settles something deep inside that gives me the strength to carry on.

I straighten my shoulders as if preparing for battle. “No.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am.” I nibble at my lower lip before adding, “Hopefully, we won’t have to stay long.”

“It doesn’t matter what they want. When you’re ready to go, all you have to do is tell me, and I’ll make up an excuse. Would it make you feel better to come up with a code word or something? Maybe an eye twitch?”

His left eye spasms, making him look ridiculous.

When a chuckle slips free, my lips bow with a slight smile. “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

“If you say so.” One thick finger sweeps across my lower lip. “Did you bring your lipstick?”

My brows pinch as I nod, unsure why he’s asking.

“Why don’t you get it.” His gaze stays pinned to my mouth. “You’ve chewed yours off.”

Instead of questioning the directive, I drop my gaze and fumble around in my purse for the slim tube. Once I’ve retrieved it, I pull off the cap and raise it to my face. Before I’m able to make contact, his fingers wrap around mine, halting the movement.

“Let me.”

My belly hollows out as I give my head a slight shake. “I can do it myself.”

Stubborn light fills his eyes. “I know, but I want to do it for you.”

It takes effort to swallow past the lump of wet sawdust that has settled in the middle of my throat. This time, it has nothing to do with the impending visit and everything to do with the guy sitting next to me.

When he plucks the tube away, my hand drifts to my lap. His fingers slip under my chin again before angling my face upward. The world around us fades to the background until it only encompasses the two of us.

His brow furrows in concentration as he slides the soft pink stain over the fullness of my lower lip before carefully doing the same to the top. My heart skips a painful beat as I remain still, caught up in this moment. What he’s doing feels strangely intimate. Almost more so than when he was between my legs.

And that doesn’t make the least bit of sense.

He stares at my mouth for several heartbeats before running the pad of his thumb gently over the edges to wipe away any smudges. “Perfect,” he says softly, recapping the tube and handing it back to me.

My fingers tremble as I grab hold of it like it’s a lifeline. “Thank you.”


A heavy silence falls over us as we continue to stare. When the tension heightens to unprecedented levels, I clear my throat and rip my gaze away. I have no idea what’s happening here.