“It’s not going to be brief. It’s going to be done for now. I can’t say I won’t ever want to try again. I’m done limiting myself. I’ve spent my whole life on a schedule, and that’s the only reason I’m not jumping at the chance to go to Paris.”

Gavin had put his Scotch down. “We should talk through this. I told you my friend is holding a place for you.”

“And if I’m good enough, it’ll still be there in the future.”

Gavin frowned. “It might not. Anything can happen. Brynn, you know you have to take advantage of any opportunity given to you.”

“Why? Why don’t I ever get to say I need a break? I need a break to figure out who I am. I’ve spent my entire life under scrutiny.” She pointed to the tablet. “That was inevitable. I’m a child star, and I’m either going to be virtuous and a role model or a train wreck. I don’t get to be me. I have to go harder, faster, higher every second of the day or I’m taking the place of someone more worthy, more willing to break themselves for some money and fame. No. I’m done. I’m picking me this time.”

“That is the most selfish thing that’s ever come out of your mouth,” her mom said quietly, the tears falling on her cheeks.

“Out of hers, maybe.” Ally stepped in. “But it can barely touch your selfishness, Mother.”

“Ally, maybe we should go.” Gavin stood up.

Ally laughed, a sound that held not an ounce of humor. “Of course we should. Then Mom can pretend like she’s not the problem. Do you two think I’m a moron? Look, I get it. Brynn is perfect.”

Brynn huffed.

Ally turned her way. “No, I’m not being a bitch. You really are. You’re an amazing sister. You’re prettier than me, more likable. I’m a better actress, but you’re far easier to deal with. None of that changes the fact that you are genuinely one of my favorite people in the world, and I am often jealous of you. But that’s nothing compared to what Mom is doing right now.”

“Ally, give her a break.” Brynn knew what her mom was feeling. It was fear of the unknown. It was fear of loss. It was becoming the emotional theme of the night. She wasn’t going to treat her mom differently than she was Major. They were both capable of saying things they shouldn’t if the right pressure was applied. They were both human and so was she. She probably should have found a different way to break this to her mom. “She’s got a lot invested in my career.”

“Yes, and you should remember that.” Her mom seemed willing to jump on any opening she gave her. “You’re my biggest client.”

“Ally will be bigger if you just let her.” Brynn believed in her sister’s talent. And she definitely knew Ally was more suited for the business. “Concentrate on Ally. You can make her a superstar. All I was ever going to be was the secondary character, and I don’t care enough to try to be more. Mom, I appreciate everything . . .”

“Stop.” Ally let her bag clang to the floor. “Don’t thank her. Tell me something, Brynn. Did they offer to go public to save you?”

“Allyson.” Gavin’s voice went hard.

“What do you mean, go public?” She wasn’t sure where her sister was going with this. Except she did. Deep inside, hadn’t she known for the last couple of years? Hadn’t she known why Gavin hung around for months at a time and then seemed to hide from her mom for a while before showing up again?

“Ally, that’s not your business.” Her mom had paled, but there was still steel in her tone.

“It is because neither one of you has the balls to admit that this is something you could have cleared up a very long time ago. I’m going to tell her the truth because I owe her. I owe her for putting up with my jealous crap. I owe her for all the work she did to keep us not only safe but comfortable. Brynn, they’ve been off and on for years. Remember that first time these rumors circulated? They could have explained that he’s pretty much our stepdad and gotten that heat off you and then we wouldn’t be here at all.”

“Brynn, it’s more complicated than that,” Gavin said.

But it wasn’t. Her mom had let her take that heat as a barely eighteen-year-old girl. She’d been ready to let her take it this time when all they’d needed was the truth. Oh, some people would still try to make a scandal out of anything, but it would be simpler to say he was her dad and that was why he sometimes held her hand or gave her a long hug.