Major nodded and reached for the keys to his truck. “I’ll get my gear and call animal services out. Why don’t you come with me and show me the scene of the crime?” He winked at Brynn. “I’ll be back and maybe we can go out to the islands and have another picnic.”

That sounded like pure heaven. She went on her toes and kissed him. The morning wasn’t going as planned, but the afternoon was looking up.

“Absolutely not. I’ve got someone coming out to do your manicure and pedicure, and you need a hair treatment,” her mother began. “It’s getting coarse.”

“Her hair is fine.” Major started walking out the door.

“And what would you know about it?” Her mom followed.

Major knew because he’d had his hands in it most of the night. He seemed to love stroking her hair and using it to gently twist her this way or that while he kissed her. But he was also a gentleman since he did not respond to her mom’s questions.

They were out the door and then she was alone again. Except she didn’t feel alone because she knew he would return. She glanced down at her nails. They were fine. She liked them short, and they were only a little chipped.

“Thank god. I thought they would never leave.” The powder room door opened and Ally walked out. She was dressed to work out in a tank top and leggings, her sneakers on and hair up in a high ponytail. “Yay. Coffee.”

“What are you doing here?” Maybe that wasn’t the first question she should ask. “How did you get in? The door was locked.”

“Oh, I totally duped your keycard when Seraphina wasn’t watching,” Ally explained as she poured herself a cup of coffee and eyed the tray of fruit and pastries Major had brought. “Remember when I did that commercial for the hotel app? I learned how to do it then. Method acting comes in handy all the time.”

“Okay, why are you here?”

“You try sharing a room with our mother. I went for a jog and then I came here, but I found out you’ve been all slutty and stuff, so I hid in the bathroom when TW came back. I would have snuck out the bathroom window, but the coffee smelled really good and Mom’s on a decaf kick. Also, she doesn’t allow carbs near her right now. I tried to explain that just because meno shot her metabolism doesn’t mean I can’t have a donut every now and then, but apparently that’s mean and unsupportive. So you and TW, huh?”

“Don’t call him that,” she said, walking back into the bedroom, Duke at her heels. “And he wasn’t wearing them last night. He wore perfectly respectable boxers, thank you.”

Ally followed her, a Danish in her hand. “I bet he didn’t wear them long. Come on. I’m living vicariously through you. I haven’t had time to be slutty lately. Like in forever. You know how it is when you’re working. Well, usually. You were smart and found a friend with benefits right here on set, but not on set.”

She turned on her sister. “It’s not like that.”

Ally sobered. “I know. I know you like him.” She brightened up again. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t tell me all about it. He looks like he would be good in bed. Oh, also, he didn’t run around wearing nothing but a pair of low-slung jeans. He got respectably dressed to go to the main house and when he came back here, he took off everything else and made sure those jeans were perfectly placed, if you know what I mean. I think he was planning on showing off for you. Instead he got our mom.”

“How long were you in there?”

Ally sat down on the bed, her back against the headboard. “There’s a magazine with an article about European politics I was reading.”

Brynn stared because she wasn’t buying that.

Ally huffed. “Fine. It was about the benefits of collagen, and then I read about the fall shoe trends, okay? I needed some alone time, and I wasn’t about to actually go running in these woods. Did you hear about the raccoons?”

That made Brynn smile. “Yeah, I kind of wish someone had gotten that on video.”

“Me, too. Mom fighting a raccoon for her precious phone would be a family memory for all time.” Ally took a bite of the Danish.

“You would post it on social media.”

“I would. I’m terrible like that. But you know I didn’t post you and TW on socials until it was already out there, right?” Ally seemed to properly read the look on her face. “I’m sorry. Major. It’s a terrible name. Are you sure you don’t want to go with TW? We can rebrand him if you want to keep him.”

“His name is fine.”