“We are not friends,” Jeannie complained. “He’s a washed-up loser.”

“I’m a washed-up loser who got an exclusive from the dad,” the reporter crowed. “I’ve got it all on camera. The old man might be crazy, but he told me all about his son and Bria. They’ve been dating.”

He’d filmed his father? His vulnerable dad, who’d always protected his privacy? Rage filled Major and he actually saw himself punching this guy. He saw his fist hitting the reporter’s face and going right through it.

Roxie stepped in front of him. “Landon, get him in the car. Let him know how close he is to having a former Army Ranger go berserk on him.”

“Hey, I said I would share some of the money,” the man reiterated.

Landon shoved him along. “You’ll need the money to make bail. Although it is the weekend. The judge tends to go fishing on the weekends. I guess you’ll be staying with us until Monday. Welcome to Papillon.”

That seemed to work some magic on the other reporters.

“Look, we don’t want trouble,” Jeannie said. “We just wanted to give Tigh . . . the deputy a chance to tell his side of the story. I assure you we won’t be the last journalists interested in him. And I would watch out for the mom if I were you. Everyone in the industry knows she’ll do anything to move Bria’s career forward. If that means running over her new boyfriend, she’ll do it. I would bet she’s the one who came up with the idea to do the viral video.” She held her hands up as Roxie approached. “I’m going. My car is parked across the street. I promise, we’re going. It’s obvious this guy isn’t going to give me anything.”

She started moving away from the parking lot where Brynn was probably walking Dolly. At least he didn’t have to worry he was sending her Brynn’s way.

How did she handle this? How many more of these people would he have to deal with?

You think you understand gossip, but you don’t until the whole world is talking about you. People you don’t know. People you’ll never meet. People who think they know exactly who you are.

This was what Brynn had been talking about. This was what had put that anxiety in her eyes. Anxiety that had only drifted away when he’d kissed her and taken her mind off her troubles.

Well, trouble had found them again and he was pretty sure he couldn’t make this go away by holding her.

“I’m sorry, Major.” Roxie’s eyes were on the reporters as they made their way across the road. “I can’t arrest them. They didn’t try to get inside.”

“No, they hid in the bushes and waited for me.” His mind started in on worst-case scenarios. “Are they at my house?”

“I haven’t heard anything, and you know your neighbors like to call us. They might not have figured out where you live.” Roxie sighed. “Although I have no idea how they found out where your father is. I’m at a loss. I don’t get why they think you’re dating some Hollywood star. The video’s cute and all, but I don’t get why they think you two are together now . . . Oh.”

“What?” Roxie was staring at him like she’d figured something out.

Her lips curled up in a wry smile. “You put on your blank face. You are seeing her. That’s some fast work.”

He shook his head. “We had dinner last night, and I was with her this afternoon.”

“I know. I thought you were just showing her around. It’s what we’re supposed to be doing.”

“It’s what you’re supposed to be doing. You’re the one she’s supposed to shadow. I should have stayed away.” He turned to Juan. “Where is my dad?”

Juan’s brow wrinkled with the obvious strain the night had brought. “I’m sorry, Major. He’s asleep. We had to give him something to calm him down. I’m afraid that reporter spun him up. I didn’t realize anything was happening until one of the nurses heard them yelling. I can’t tell you how upset I am that this happened. I’m calling a meeting tomorrow to look over our security system. The guard had left his post because Mrs. Adams had locked herself out of her apartment.”

“I’ll help you. This isn’t your fault. You’re a small operation. You couldn’t have known there were aggressive reporters coming.” But Brynn had warned him. She’d told him it could get bad and all he’d seen was blond hair and a gorgeous face. All he’d thought about was how nice it was to be around her.

While his father was being abused.

“Can I at least see him? I want to look in and make sure he’s alright.”

Juan nodded. “Of course. And I’m locking everything down.”

“I’ll help you,” Roxie promised. “Landon and I can do a perimeter sweep to make sure we don’t have others hanging around. Our trespassing friend can sit in the back of the car for a little while and think about his life choices.”