Armie shrugged. “It was a slow day. I met my guy and he started asking if there was something called Orangetheory in town. It took me forever to figure out it’s some kind of gym. I told him about that Wednesday yoga group and the classes at the rec center. I don’t think we speak the same language. Before these two showed up he was calling around to see if he could find something called tempeh.”

“It’s a vegan protein. Ask Lila. I’m sure she knows where to find it.” Armie was going to have to expand his horizons. “Why didn’t he handle Brynn’s mom? According to Brynn, they know each other. Brynn’s worked with him a lot.”

“Oh, he heard the mom’s voice and ran out the opposite door,” Armie explained. “Just told me he would be back tomorrow, and he whispered it like he didn’t want to risk her hearing him. Then he told me he hoped I lived and snuck out. I wish I’d snuck out with him. She’s really loud. And creative with her threats.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t think Brynn had any idea her mom was coming out this early. And I don’t think she knew our rescue video had gone viral.”

“You okay with that? You’re a pretty private guy. You know we’ve all been in bad spots before. There’s no shame in a woman saving you.”

“I have no problems with a woman saving me. I’m not some Neanderthal asshole. Roxie’s saved me several times, and never once have I thought, ‘You know, I wish she was a man.’ Now, having my nearly naked butt out there is another story. I should have tied those sweats on tighter.” Brynn’s mom was pointing his way, but Major couldn’t hear what she was saying. It didn’t look like it was anything good. “I’m sure it will blow over quickly.”

Someone would video their cat playing piano and he would be old news.

“I’m not so sure about that. Like I told you, we’ve already had some calls. It won’t be long before you get identified,” Armie replied with a sigh. “The good news is your butt looks good.” Armie quickly held up his hands in a gesture of pure innocence. “That’s what my wife says. She said you have nothing to be ashamed of and told me I should ask you about your glute routine. Says I’m getting soft. I don’t think so. I think my butt looks good for a forty-four-year-old with three kids.”

Major snorted. Armie might be well into his forties, but he would give it to the man. He hadn’t gone soft anywhere but in how he dealt with the people around him. Dolly started barking. “I think I’m going to have to go save Brynn’s mom from my dog.”

Dolly could be a lot.

Brynn’s mom huffed and then turned to the dog, and for a moment he worried he would have to save Dolly. Then the well-dressed woman leaned over and put both hands on Dolly, petting her.

Maybe she wasn’t so bad.

“You sure you know what you’re getting into?” Armie asked.

He had no idea, but he was pretty sure he couldn’t pull away now. “Nope. But I’m going in. You should be ready to deal with an even madder momma because Brynn and I should talk, and I don’t think we need an audience.”

“Really?” Armie managed to put just enough whine into his tone that Major knew he understood what was about to happen.

“Yep. I like her a lot. I want to spend time with her while she’s here. I’m not ready for this day of ours to be over so I’m hoping you’ll do me a favor and deal with her mom if Brynn chooses to go with me.” There was a time for a man to sit back and a time to take action. He’d already had his nap for the day. Brynn seemed upset and he wasn’t going to let the day end this way.

Armie sighed but nodded.

And Major knew it was time to take care of Brynn.

* * *

* * *

“What were you thinking? You didn’t answer your cell phone all day. What was I supposed to do?” Her mother had just stepped off the dock and the accusations were already flying. She’d come out onto the bayou in a Chanel suit, Louboutin stilettos, and enough Cartier to probably fund a whole government department in Papillon.

Brynn glanced down to where Major was talking to his boss, who’d brought her mom and sister out in one of the county boats. It was slightly bigger than Major’s, but it still would have been a little scary for a woman who’d spent the last forty years of her life in cities. Not that her mother would let fear stop her. She’d stormed down that dock like she owned the place.