“It wasn’t quicksand.” Major was deeply confused and a little hurt. There was only one way he could think of that Ally would know he’d gotten caught in his underwear. “Brynn talked to you? Is that what she called me?”

“Brynn doesn’t talk to me about anything except how I should be more like her.” She made a vomiting sound. “No, that’s what they’re calling you on the Internet because they haven’t figured out who you are yet. Although I would expect the nickname to stick. It’s cooler than Major. That’s a weird name, and I know a woman named Bexely.”

“Yep, buddy, that’s what I was about to tell you.” Armie leaned in. “I’m afraid you’ve gone viral.”

“What?” He hoped Armie wasn’t saying what he thought he was saying.

“Viral, as in a viral video,” Armie explained. “I told you about how the nature cams caught most of the rescue, right? Well, Roxie made Zep pull it off the website, but some eagle-eyed fans of Brynn’s figured out it was her, and they managed to make a copy. It’s got three million views, according to Brynn’s sister.”

Ally frowned at him. “I have a name. I’m not merely an extension of my sister no matter how my mom treats me. One of the things I do is run Bria Knight’s social media. I found it and put it on our Insta. Bria Knight is being hailed as a hero, and you are being called Tighty-Whitie. The dog’s a star, too. She’s got real charisma. You should get an agent now.”

His head was starting to pound. “An agent?”

Armie sighed. “She’s not actually giving you bad advice. We’ve had a couple of reporters call, and one person who said she’s a casting agent. They want to talk to you. Someone named Hyacinth. Weird accent.”

Ally rolled her eyes. “That’s because she’s not actually from England. She’s from Queens. She confuses that with being an actual queen, which she is not. Don’t sign with her unless all you want to do is underwear commercials. She puts people in categories, and they never get out.”

“I do not need an agent.” How many people had watched the video? He was going to kill Zep.

Ally shrugged and took another picture, this one of the boat. “Are you doing my sister? I’m surprised. She doesn’t usually work this fast, but I will admit you’re hot in a small-town, upstanding, probably-does-it-missionary-only way.”

Armie snorted but was clearly leaving it up to Major to handle the situation.

That felt like judgment. “That is none of your business. And I will not be signing with any casting agent. I have a job.”

“Sure you do.” Ally managed to sound like she couldn’t care about anything less. “Suit yourself, but if you want to stick close to Brynn, you should understand that no man will ever be good enough for my mom with the exception of Stephen Cane.”

He wished Brynn would finish up with her mother so they could get out of here. “Who is Stephen Cane?”

Those eyes rolled again, and she turned to yell her sister’s way. “Brynn, your boyfriend is an idiot!”

“Apparently Stephen Cane is another actor person and he would never put Brynn at risk the way you did, and he’s going to show up at some point to kick your ass,” Armie whispered. “I made Roxie google him. He’s one of Brynn’s costars. He played a soldier on TV once. And a street fighter with mystical powers.”

Why would Brynn have not mentioned she had a boyfriend? He glanced back and she looked utterly overwhelmed by her mom. Her whole body was tight, from the flat line of her mouth to the way she held her shoulders to how rigid she stood.

“She doesn’t have a boyfriend,” Major said. Dolly was dancing around the two women as though they would start playing at any moment. His dog didn’t know how to read a room, but Duke did. He stood silently at his mom’s side, looking up like he wanted to offer her comfort. “She would have told me. She wouldn’t lie, and she wouldn’t omit important information.”

“Sounds like you learned a lot about her in, what? Two dates?” Armie asked in an annoyingly self-assured tone. “It’s all over town that you dumped poor Sam Henshaw for the Hollywood actress. You should expect some harsh words from her grandmother.”

He felt a growl start. “I did no such thing. Sam dumped me because . . .”

He wasn’t sure she was out fully. Except she’d kissed her girlfriend in full view of Guidry’s, but it was still her story to tell.

“Brynn is your second choice.” A smug expression crossed Ally’s face. “I like it. She’s always so perfect.”

She turned and jogged up the dock.

He was probably about to get in trouble with Brynn.

He shifted his attention to Armie. “I’m sorry about the chaos.”