“We would have talked about the movie during the meal,” she pointed out, but she still didn’t move even an inch from him.

“You were still working. You didn’t want to talk. You wanted to work.”

“Did I thank you for that? Most guys would have felt like I was ignoring them.”

“You were, but I don’t mind. You are obviously an artist, and from what I saw today, you’re a good one. You were in the zone, so I enjoyed my day off by reading a book, taking a nap, and watching you work.”

She cuddled closer to him, her leg brushing his. “You are a remarkably tolerant guy, Deputy Major.”

He was, but in this case, there was a reason for it. “You remind me of my mom. Not in a weird way. In an artist way. She taught high school art. She always wanted to make a living off her own work, but it never happened for her. The paintings in my house were done by her.”

Now she sat up, staring down at him. “The landscapes?”

Damn, he’d lost her, but it was still nice to talk. He should have had this conversation with her the day before, but he’d been all growly and grumpy. “Yes. She worked in oils and watercolors. My dad put them up all over the house. She sold many of them, but never enough to support us.”

“Most artists don’t, though there are a lot more opportunities to get our work out there these days. Major, she was good. I’d like to see the rest of her work. The one I saw in your living room was beautiful. She understood composition.”

“Yes, she talked a lot about composition and making sure you knew your focal point.” She’d tried to teach him, but he’d been far too busy with football and science fiction. He’d been called the nerdy jock, and he’d been okay with that. But art hadn’t been his thing. “How did you come to love art?”

She started to reach out, like she wanted her hand on his chest, but then pulled back.

He covered her hand with his and brought it right over his heart.

She relaxed. “I always liked to draw. Ever since I was a kid. There was a set designer on my first show who I used to hang out with because she often brought her own kids to work. She was the one who bought me my first set of paints and taught me how to use them. It’s been my happy place ever since. I pretty much keep a sketchpad with me at all times. When I find the right image, something that really grabs hold of me, I use the drawing as a starting point for a painting.”

“So the drawings are like taking pictures? Wouldn’t most people use their phones?” Major asked. He’d been out with a couple of women who were obsessed with social media and constantly taking pictures of everything. Their food. Their clothes. Every room they happened to walk into. He was surprised because he’d checked out Brynn’s socials and they were full of pictures, but he hadn’t seen her take a single one. Now that he thought about it, none of the recent pictures were of her in Papillon.

“I do sometimes, but I find drawings remind me of what I felt better than pictures. There’s an emotional component to it.”

“What did you draw today?”

“The trees and the water. I drew the boat tied to the dock. I drew the dogs.” She grinned shyly. “I drew you.”

“You did?”

She nodded solemnly.

“I think we’re definitely on a date, Brynn.” He liked the idea that she’d found him interesting enough to put on paper. He didn’t personally think there was anything all that intriguing about him, but he liked the idea that she did. And he found her endlessly fascinating. “Otherwise, it’s weird that you watched me while I was sleeping.”

She bit her bottom lip gently, her gaze settling on him. “Does that mean I have to kiss you?”

“Only if you want to. I can handle it if you don’t.” A lie. He wanted her to kiss him. He wanted her to plant those gorgeous lips right on top of his and wrap her body around him.

Her expression went serious and she shifted, getting closer to him. She stared down at him for a moment, blocking out the sun, but he didn’t mind. It made a halo around her head, illuminating her eyes, and for a second, she was almost too beautiful to look at.

She reached a hand out, touching his face, letting her fingers brush over his jaw before running the pad of her thumb over his lips. He was still beneath her, allowing her to explore his skin.

Then she leaned over and brought her lips to his, a soft brushing that sparked something to life in Major, something he hadn’t felt before. Her lips were warm and sweetly innocent against his, but he had the wildest impulse to take control and lose himself in her. He’d wanted women, but he’d never felt this wildfire of desire he had the instant Brynn kissed him.