“Do you get set up a lot?”

“I’m a single man in a small town. I have a steady job, no debt, and I own my home.”

“Ah, so you’re the unicorn everyone is chasing.”

“Dating is hard. It can be hard in a small town where most people pair off in high school or leave town altogether. I put it out there that I wasn’t opposed to dating and suddenly everyone has a daughter or sister or friend they want me to meet. But I’m still very much single. No one has caught this unicorn yet. How about you?”

“I’m not seeing anyone right now. The last couple of years I’ve focused on work.” She took a drag off her beer.

A long moment passed, an awkwardness setting in before Major looked at her with an earnest expression on his face. “Look, Brynn, I think we got off on the wrong foot.”

“Your foot was trapped in mud, Deputy Major. I think it’s okay that you were a wee bit disconcerted.” It wasn’t like he’d been rude. Grumpy, yes, but she was sure she would have been, too. “We can pretend like it never happened.”

Major shook his head. “No, we can’t. We both know someone has already taken that video apart for the most embarrassing still shots they could get and there’s already a meme somewhere. But we can start over since it looks like you’ll be hanging around my town for a bit. How about I pay you back for the rescue by taking you to a place where the light is so soft and perfect the world seems to hum all around you? There’s an island that I’m sure my mom would have called paradise. I’ve got tomorrow off. I promise to be quiet so you can work if you’ll convince Seraphina to make some chicken salad sandwiches and some of her cookies.”

She’d known he knew something about art. She’d seen the gorgeous landscapes in his home. They weren’t the kind of paintings one bought at a home décor store. Those were done with a talented hand. But he hadn’t wanted to talk so she hadn’t asked about them. Now she wondered who had taught him about art and light. “I think that would be wonderful.”

He started to talk about the town, but she was rapidly becoming more and more fascinated with another subject.


chapter four

Brynn felt the SUV come to a slow stop, as though the driver was reluctant to end the ride.

She was reluctant, too. The evening had been lovely, and now there were stars overhead and the whole night felt soft and inviting. They’d sat on the deck at Guidry’s as the sun had gone down and talked for two hours, drawing out the meal because it had been so easy to be together. There had only been a couple of times awkwardness had seeped into their bubble.

“I’m sorry about the autograph thing,” she said, though she’d already apologized earlier. Three different people had come up and asked for pictures and autographs, and they’d told her how much they loved whichever show they recognized her from.

She’d found there were two types of people when it came to the fame thing. There was the type who was fascinated by it and the type who was freaked out by it. She was pretty sure Major would fall into the second category.

“I thought you handled everyone well.” He turned her way, his arm resting on the steering wheel. “Do you get a lot of that?”

“I’ve been acting since I was a kid,” she admitted. “I honestly don’t remember a time when it didn’t happen, so it feels normal to me. I was taught it was part of the job. It’s not as bad as it could be. I’m not some huge star. Most of my work has been on TV. I don’t mind usually, but I was enjoying talking to you. I hope it didn’t make you uncomfortable.”

“You seem pretty good at making everyone comfortable, Brynn.” His lips had curled up in a smile. “I had a nice time. And I think you’ll find that the people around here will get used to you very quickly. You keep being as nice and friendly as you were tonight and you’ll do well. I’m sorry I misjudged you.”

He’d had a day. She could forgive him. “Of course. Thanks for dinner. If you were serious about going out to the islands, I would love to. I’ve got the week off, and then I start actually prepping for this role. I’m going to be around the station house a lot next week.”

“You know Roxie’s my partner, right?”

She’d wondered how closely they were connected. She wasn’t sure how the department worked, but then that was one of the things she was here to learn. It was her first time playing a cop, and she wanted to get it right. “Is that going to be weird?”