She’d seen something like that on the Internet. It was a way to engage the public. “So it was live?”

“The last part was,” Lisa replied.

Brynn walked out on the gorgeous deck with its view of the bay. The Gulf of Mexico was on gorgeous display. “This is beautiful.”

“Thank you. We think it’s pretty spectacular.” Lisa gestured to the table where Major was standing. “Hey, Major. You’re lucky. This one doesn’t already have a girlfriend.”

Major looked adorable with a frown on his face. “You knew about Sam Henshaw and didn’t say anything?”

Lisa shrugged. “I thought maybe they were looking for a sperm donor. You know me. I keep my nose out of everyone’s business. Can I get you a beer or some wine, Bria?”

“She prefers Brynn,” Major said, moving around to hold out a chair for her.

So he was a gentlemanly grump. “I’d love a beer. Thanks.”

“Got it.” Lisa nodded and walked off.

“And Lisa doesn’t keep her nose out of anyone’s business.” Major was still frowning as he sat down. “I mean it. She’s always sticking her nose right in. I’m afraid you won’t find many people who keep to themselves here in Papillon. Are you still driving Harry’s truck? I only ask so I can have an idea of how many people are going to call the station about the pretty blond car thief.”

She winced. “Sorry. I didn’t think it would be a big deal. And no. Harry had an emergency. Apparently his mother-in-law had some plumbing problems and he went out to help. I called a car service.”

“We have a car service?” Major asked and then winced. “Please tell me Greg Bonham isn’t still trying to make Guber happen.”

She snorted. “Yes. I heard all about his plan to create a fleet of golf carts.”

“That’s not road legal. You are not calling him to take you back.” He groaned, though it sounded like a sexy growl. “I’ll drive you home, and I’ll have a talk with Greg because putting twinkle lights all over a golf cart does not make it safe. So, where’s your buddy this evening?”

“Duke?” She didn’t have another buddy. She had acquaintances. She had coworkers. She had fans. She didn’t have buddies beyond her dog. She suddenly realized how sad that was.

“Yes. I miss his royal disdain.”


A brow rose over Major’s eyes. “That dog does not like me. And he didn’t like Dolly, either, which is a mistake on his part because she is delightful.”

Brynn chuckled. “That’s not what you were saying when she was wrapped around your shoulders.”

“Well, we’ve moved on and she’s delightful again. She never met a stranger, and I think she was hurt by Duke’s rejection of her love.”

Oh, this was an infinitely more dangerous man than the one she’d met before. Was he flirting with her? If he was, it was working, because she was ready to throw out everything she’d learned about him earlier in the day. “Duke takes his time warming up to people, but once he gets used to you, you’ll find him delightful, too. He’s back at the B and B. When I’m not able to take him with me, he usually stays with an assistant. In this case, he’s hanging out with Shep. What has you in a good mood? Did you get to ticket a bunch of people?”

He put a hand on his chest. “I do not enjoy ticketing people, Brynn. Especially not people around here. They’re mouthy and very creative in finding an excuse for not using their blinker when they turn. By the way, speaking of ticketing people, you have a lead foot. That is not going to do you well here. The boss is always on the lookout to upgrade the station house’s appliances, and the money from driving offenses goes straight into his budget. He’s got two small children at home now. He wants an espresso machine. He kind of needs it to keep functioning.”

Ah, the joys of small-town life. “Thank you for the warning. How about I gift him one and maybe you gently look the other way?”

That jawline of his straightened, and he turned on his serious stare. “Ma’am, are you trying to bribe an officer of the law?”

That cop voice got to her. She suddenly understood why people role-played. She’d always thought it was dumb, but now she could see how Deputy Major doing a slow search of her body could be sexy. In a playful way, of course. A consenting way.

Was she thinking about hopping into bed with him?

“Brynn, I was joking.” He had a sheepish expression on his face.

“And I was thinking about something I shouldn’t have been thinking about.” She shook it off. The man had invited her to share a table with him. He hadn’t offered to play sexy games. He wouldn’t. “I’m serious about the espresso machine, though. I was thinking about how I can show my gratitude to the sheriff’s department for helping me research.”