“You see where he’s going with this?” Maverick chimed in. “If you don’t help, you’re fucked.”

Amon examined the vials of blood inside the case with a bleak expression. I wasn’t sure if it was from him struggling with my ultimatum or something else. I didn’t feel any sympathy for him, but I wouldn’t want to be in this same position. He’d have to betray his family and each one of their alliances.

It was for a more than worthy cause.

We all knew that this was the best decision for everyone partaking in this secret meeting and more importantly, his granddaughters. With or without his compliance things were set in motion for the biggest event of the year.

I didn’t give a fuck about the history between my father and Pandora. Neither did he. He had let it go until the crazy bitch got my brother involved in her personal vendetta. That made it harder for Puppet’s grandfather to turn down my deal.

Three of the most prominent families the syndicate had were backing it. He sighed deeply and took one final look at the vials from the night of the oath. We’d bottled it for insurance purposes back then and kept them stashed away.

It was one of the smartest things I had ever done. All he needed to do was test the blood to make sure it matched Puppet’s if any doubts surfaced.

“Why are only two of the girls included?”

“We knew they were a package deal, but two is still better one, don’t you think?”

“And my brother would have thrown a fit otherwise. Nobody wants that,” Charon added, clapping Ky on the shoulder.

“Why my Liliana?”

She wasn’t fucking his. I bit back that retort and grinned. “Puppet knows who pull her strings.”

His bushy brows slammed together in confusion that had my grin widening even though he couldn’t see it. I didn’t need him to understand my meaning.

The ones that mattered did.

She did too. That look of confusion told me something inside her still knew who I was. Her family wanted to take what I already deemed belonged to me. She was mine. To fuck. To protect. And use to bring the Serpines to an end.

She was everything to me.

Her grandfather nodded once, and elation spread through my chest. “They leave for their trip in two weeks. I’ll have their necklaces to them before then. Is that enough time for you to do what you need?”

“I’m already ten steps ahead.” I leaned forward and braced my hands on his desk. “You wouldn’t happen to have a knife preference, would you? We’ve already got one prepped.”


The nights we had together should’ve been impossible to forget.

It’s not her fault she doesn’t remember.

It was them who made sure she forgot.

They eradicated me from her mind, not doing shit to ensure she was gone from mine, too.

And that’s where they fucked up.

As if that wasn’t a death-worthy violation in itself, they went a step further and destroyed one of their own. The Serpines and everyone in their inner circle deserved everything that was coming to them.

But where was the fun in letting them off easy?

For years, we’d been watching.

Learning and plotting.

We remained obedient and kept our distance. All of that was now a thing of the past. I had the only permission I needed to keep Liliana by my side.

The two of us together was a nightmare in the making. What could be more beautiful than a bond formed from blood and chaos, blessed by the ones that worshipped everything below?

I was ready to take this game to a higher level. The clock was ticking, and when it hit zero nothing was going to be the same.

It was time for my puppet to wake up and remember who she was.

They wanted a show that would go down in history, I was going to make sure they got one.