Grace and I found our way outside where a lavish outdoor retreat awaited. The Saintes’ massive in-ground pool had been utilized for tonight’s festivity. People were simultaneously drinking while swimming naked.

I hoped a few of the guys in there were growers and not showers or they’d be living down that embarrassment for years to come.

Melantha was waiting for us in the only area of the patio that wasn’t congested with foot traffic. With her navy blue and pink hair styled in two adorable sailor buns, she was easy to spot.

“Did you find her?” she asked as soon as we were within hearing distance.

“Nope.” I popped my lips on the p.

Grace turned and looked towards the pool. “I think we’ve searched this whole place from top to bottom.”

I positioned myself between them and leaned against the cement railing that served as a decorative fence around the flagstone.

“Maybe she’s on a mattress being bent into an origami.”

“That might be true, but it’s not helpful,” Grace replied with a laugh.

I frowned. “Mia would not go running off for a quickie when she knew we were coming but thank you two so much for that visual.”

“What else would you expect her to be doing while waiting? She’s finally free to shack up with the guy that put a baby in her. They’re probably like bunnies right now,” Mel retorted.

She made it sound like being exiled from our family was a good thing. I hated to admit that I understood exactly where she was coming from, but my sister had been robbed of everything aside from her first name for daring to fall for a guy my parents didn’t choose.

I was far from wholly accepting that she’d been living a secret life without ever confiding in me, but I wasn’t angry. If anything, I was hurt. I’d never betray her trust so why did she keep something so monumental all to herself?

I hoped whoever she’d gotten involved with was well enough off to take care of her until she found her feet. I knew she would be fine in the long run. My sister was a strong and intelligent young woman. This wouldn’t be enough to douse the flame of her future. Still, I’d feel a lot better after I saw her to confirm this with my own two eyes.

Pulling my cell from the pocket of my romper, I checked to see how we were on time and then tried to call her. I was immediately met with the robotic voice of her message system.

“Her phone isn’t on anymore.” I drew in a heavy breath, trapping the scent of barbecue, liquor, and pot in my lungs. Slowly exhaling, I slid my cell back into my pocket, contemplating what to do now. “It’s a quarter to nine. The movie was two hours and dinner would maybe be another, what? Two if we’re pushing it?”

“Maybe we can say we decided to go to a later showing,” Gracelyn suggested, fixing her hazel eyes on my face.

I stared at her a beat. “Are…are you being serious?”

She shrugged. “Is that so unrealistic?”

“My mother sniffs out lies faster than a K9 does when cocaine is dangling in front of its face.”

“Mine is probably staring into her freaky ass crystal ball watching us right now,” Mel joked.

I looked towards where Sainte’s backyard became overtaken by trees. Between them was a pathway lined with paper lanterns. Would Mia have gone down there? It didn’t make sense to do that when she knew I’d be coming here to meet her. She’d read the initial text I sent back and said she would be waiting. I hope that meant at the house and not in the damn woods.

Grace tucked a strand of blonde hair behind one ear and toed the flagstone with the suede point of her black thigh-high boot.

“What do you think we should do?”

Boisterous laughter erupted from the opposite side of the patio as a few of the people we’d seen in the den came outside. I glanced at them briefly before returning my attention to Grace and Mel.

“I’ll do one final sweep upstairs. You two should at least try and enjoy yourselves for a little.”

Mel gave me a disapproving stare. “You know we wouldn’t do that. Besides, three heads are better than one. We can check the first floor again. She’s gotta be around here somewhere.”

“Yeah, why don’t we meet here in ten?” Grace proposed.

“Okay.” I nodded in agreement, offering them a smile of appreciation.

“Lana!” Troy’s inebriated voice called out to me as we made our way back across the patio. “Come swim with me beautiful!”

I looked his way and laughed. He was riding a giant unicorn floatie, naked, of course, with a beer in his hand. Someone had better be planning to sanitize or burn all the inflatables these random genitals were rubbing against. Drain the whole damn pool while they were at it because gross.