Someone else needed me now and I wasn’t going to let her down like I had Puppet. I wouldn’t let her down again either. There was a list of people that would be joining her on this trip and none of them would be returning. It was the tip of the metaphorical iceberg of amends.

I looked over my shoulder to make sure Kyrous hadn’t gotten his ass out of the car and followed us into the store. We hadn’t been back in the real world all too long and he needed time to assimilate.

The last thing I needed was him strolling through the store in search of his next victim.

He damn sure didn’t need to see the blonde a few feet away, laughing at something someone out of sight was saying.

Lana paused in front of a pack of sanitizing wipes and began to compare them with the others. Was this what fucking shopping consisted of? I couldn’t tell you the last time I’d gone into a store like this. That’s what hired help was for. What was she comparing?

I knew for a fact her family kept her bank account stacked these days, so money wasn’t an issue. I’d been pissed when I first saw the numbers. It meant she’d pleased them enough for an allowance.

“I think I’m nervous,” Maverick mumbled.

“Don’t be such a pussy, you don’t even have to speak,” Charon retorted.

Melantha came around the corner and called Liliana’s name.

She turned away from the wipes and caught something Melantha had just tossed to her.

“Mel,” she hissed, holding the box to her chest as Grace laughed at them.

As I got closer I was able to get a glimpse of the packaging. Were those condoms?

“You never know what could happen,” Melantha reasoned.

“The fuck?”

At the sound of my voice, my puppet turned and looked at me. I watched as surprise and confusion flashed across her beautiful face before a guarded expression wiped both away.

I didn’t like that.

She was mine. I was hers. It was that simple. She wasn’t allowed to be fucking guarded with me.

If I were to bend her over that shopping cart and fuck her right here, would she remember the way my dick felt when it was inside her?

I wanted to reach out and touch her hair. It looked softer than I remembered. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and see if she felt as safe as she used to in my embrace. That was the very reason I didn’t. She didn’t know who I was yet.

Why the fuck did I let this happen? Their families made sure we were away on business before making the move to lock the girls up. Their location had been top-secret until it was too late to do anything. By the time we found where they were being kept, they’d already had their brains rewired.

It was fucked what had been to them. I knew grown men that wouldn’t have been able to endure. They would’ve cracked much sooner than they had.

I wouldn’t be letting it go even after I had her back. I had names and none of them were safe.

Liliana shoved the box of condoms onto a nearby shelf and breezed by us with her cart, polite enough to excuse herself.

Fuck if that didn’t burn.

Melantha followed without sparing us anything but a cursory glance. There may have been a flicker of recognition in her eyes, but she didn’t react to it. Gracelyn at least smiled, but she always fucking smiled. Ky was going to devour this girl and then spit out whatever was left when he was done.

At the end of the aisle, Puppet looked back at me with another flash of confusion. That was all I’d needed to see. I hadn’t come here to speak to her or demand she remembered me. I wasn’t that fucking obtuse.

This wasn’t the time for that either. I hadn’t approached her to ease my consciousness, that was already damned. I came to obtain something and succeeded.

“Are you good?” Charon asked, preparing to offer moral support.

“Yeah, I got what I needed.”

We left the store and began prepping for an appointment we’d taken the liberty of scheduling ourselves.

You expected top-notch security in a building like this. We bypassed the locking mechanism on the entrance and strolled right in without anyone there to stop us.

Even at this hour, our building would be impossible to enter with such ease and it stood fifteen stories high directly across the street.

My mom had agreed on the location so that she could piss off the Serpines bright and early every morning.

The black glass windows reflected the glow of Maverick’s mask as he made a show of looking around the spacious lobby. “Is this stupidity or arrogance?”

“Probably a bit of both.”

“He knew we were going to come, right?” Charon asked, shifting the black case in his hands.