“What is it you want?”

I masked my expression before my confusion could mar it. I’d never gotten to learn about this in-depth yet. My parents had claimed it was because they wanted me to be older. Now I wondered if it was really because they didn’t want me doing something like this.

It would be unacceptable for me to choose the man I wanted to give this kind of promise on my own.

“I want--.”

“Don’t say your sister,” Ciaran interrupted.

“Helping you is a given. That isn’t something you ask of your partner. Expressing what you want is different. No one other than you can feel or hear your thoughts,” Kyrous surprisingly filled in some of the blanks.

I wasn’t ready to admit what I truly wanted out loud. It was silly, but it mattered to me.

“We won’t judge,” Maverick assured, sensing my inner conflict.

I was saved from replying when Ciaran took the initiative to go first. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze and winked so subtly that I almost missed it.

“Listen closely, try to remember that I’m not a fan of repeating myself.” With our gazes locked together, he brought the tip of the dagger to my palm, not yet pressing down. “I only want you, Puppet. I have everything else.”

I forced my hand to remain steady as he began to press the blade into my skin. There was a sharp sting and some pressure as it cut into me. He drew a line from my thumb to the edge of my palm.

Charon made sure the blood that dripped landed in the bowl while Maverick uncapped one of the vials and held it up to begin catching whatever he needed. I had no idea why that was necessary but chose to keep my mouth shut.

“You’ll be loyal only to me. If anyone ever touches what’s mine, I’ll be forced to make you watch as I tear them apart,” Ciaran made another line.

I bit my tongue and drew in a quiet breath. This one was right beside the first.

“Double lines for two lifetimes,” Grace stated, catching me off guard. How did she know?

There was only one more to go and I at least understood what this one was from hearing my Abuelo mention it about my abuela.

A third that tied us together and represented the three outlooks on life. Past, present, and future. They would be implicitly woven with his. As he readied himself for the final cut, that same look he’d had before returned. The hairs on the back of my neck rose and my stomach somersaulted with nerves. It took Mel placing a reassuring hand on my lower back to restrengthen my resolve.

“You’re going to give me everything,” Ciaran vowed, marking me with a final pull of the blade.

I forced back a hiss, pulling my gaze from his. My blood dripped steadily, pinging into the bowl. Maverick capped the vial while Kyrous took hold of my wrist to keep my arm extended.

Ciaran grabbed the cloth and wiped the blade before flipping it around, offering me a chance to do what he had. “Would you like to add your terms?”

“They’re the same as yours,” I replied without thought. I realized my mistake when he grinned devilishly. He flipped the knife back around and began marking himself.

“I pledge this blade and blood, as I pledge to you my soul, forever at your service.”. He pressed our bloodied palms pressed together and sealed the deal.

I watched our blood mix together and drip into the bowl.

“You can work out the rest,” he said to his friends, passing the knife to Charon.

Looking over at me, he walked around the table, still holding my hand over the top of it. Mel was forced to step out of the way as I moved closer to him. Once I was by his side, he paid none of them any attention.

“Where are we going?” I asked as he guided me away from the table and down another hall, this one lined with solid black doors.

“It’s the equivalent of our wedding night, Puppet. I’m going to make you mine in every way that I can.”

We entered the third door on the right. From the scent alone I would know we were in his bedroom. The notes of his cologne were stronger in here.

I took in the massive California king with a black and red bedding set. The large marble bed had two matching dressers and an ottoman situated around the room. A plush leather recliner was angled towards the bed a few feet away.

There weren’t any pictures on the walls, but one of Ciaran with his family sat on a nightstand in front of a lamp giving the space a soft glow. Two additional doors were on either side of the room.

I assumed one was a closet and the other a bathroom. I turned towards him trying not to think of why he’d bring me in here and saw he’d been watching me the whole time. I made a show of looking around the room again.