I hadn’t explained things well enough, clearly, because he’d jumped to some conclusions about my work ethic that reminded me a lot of Hu—erm, certain people’s—bullshit conclusions, and no matter how many times I tried to correct him, he didn’t seem to get it.

Consequently, I never brought up his work anymore so he wouldn’t make comments about mine.

HogDocKev: You know I do other things besides play all day. I’m an inventor. I mentor college kids interested in STEM careers. I make a chicken tikka so good you’d cry.

Anomaly451: Sure, sweetness. I know. I didn’t mean it like that! Just that I wish I had more free time. Time I could spend playing HOG with you.

Awww. I melted. Was that the cutest thing ever? Pretty sure it was.

I was being an idiot. A prideful, overly sensitive idiot. And it was Hux’s fault. Just because he didn’t take me seriously, that didn’t mean Adam didn’t.

HogDocKev: Sorry. I’m a little touchy this morning, I guess.

Anomaly451: No need to apologize, darling. What’s got you feeling prickly?

See, this was what I liked so much about Adam. He asked me questions about my life and seemed interested in the answers. I debated where to begin.

HogDocKev: Well… my cousin got married yesterday. You remember me telling you about him?

Anomaly451: Of course. KevsCuz. The guy you share your homestead with.

I felt a bittersweet pang.

HogDocKev: Yeah, him. But we don’t share a homestead anymore. He and his hubby will be sharing their own homestead now.

I’d even gotten them a rare pair of mated swans for their roof as an in-game wedding gift.

Anomaly451: Ahhh. And now you’re carrying on all alone?

I blew out a deep breath, and stupid tears prickled behind my eyes. Adam understood me on such a fundamental level, it felt like magic.

HogDocKev: Exactly! That’s it exactly. Thank God you understand. I’m happy for him, truly. But…

But Carter was my best friend. More like a brother than a cousin. He’d been looking out for me since I was a socially awkward middle schooler and my parents dropped me off at our grandfather’s house for a visit… then decided it’d be better for all of us if I just lived there permanently.

It was hard not to feel a little lonely, knowing someone else was Carter’s priority now.

Anomaly451: Say no more, angel. Defending a homestead the size of yours all by yourself this close to the tulip harvest? What a pain in the ass!

Anomaly451: I don’t blame you for being angry at your cousin!

I blinked. Okay, so maybe Adam didn’t magically understand me. But he made an effort, which was more than Hu—erm, certain people—did. Right?

Another new message notification popped up onscreen.

SmittyKitty: What’d you send me this for???

I rolled my eyes. Speaking of annoying people determined to misunderstand me…

I heaved a sigh as I switched chat windows.

HogDocKev: It’s fuzzy dice. So your air speeder will go faster. Buzz buzz vroom vroom? Maybe you can avoid the lightning orcs next time.

SmittyKitty: Don’t remember asking for your charity, Pip. Also, FYI, air speeders aren’t motorcycles. They don’t make noise. And if my motorcycle started buzzing, I’d check out the bearings before I had a catastrophic engine failure, just sayin’.

Oh, for God’s sake.

HogDocKev: *eyeroll* First off, I was racing air speeders before your Horn was even manufactured, whippersnapper. Second, it’s kindness, not charity. Don’t people do nice things for one another in the UP?

HogDocKev: Third, stop calling me Pip.

Three dots swirled next to Smitty’s name for a long moment. Then finally, he responded.

SmittyKitty: The UP?

HogDocKev: Dude. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan? Where you live?

The second I sent the message, I smacked my forehead.

Wow, Kev, tell me you’re a creeper who’s been stalking the newb’s bio without saying you’re a creeper who’s been stalking his fucking bio.

SmittyKitty: They do. For friends. But you and I are not friends… Pip.

HogDocKev: We could be, if you wanted. I could help you out. No strings.

SmittyKitty: Not interested. I’m not playing the game to amass an empire.

HogDocKev: Lolz. That’s what most players say when they haven’t yet amassed an empire. You ever meet a player named HogMasterHux?

SmittyKitty: ??? Should I have??

HogDocKev: Guess not. You two have a lot in common, that’s all.

SmittyKitty: Incredible natural talent?

HogDocKev: A love of looted goods and a chip on your shoulder. Hux is a great Horn player, but he’s not a *team* player. You can’t trust him.

I sighed. Why was I wasting time trying to explain fucking Huxley to Smitty, the only person in the world who disliked me as much as Hux did?

HogDocKev: Just watch out for Hux, that’s all. And try not to be like him.

HogDocKev: Anyway, the dice are yours. Go in peace.

I closed the chat window and went back to my chat with Adam, but the green light by his name had gone dark. He’d left me some unread messages, though.