But now that I’d cracked open that door, I couldn’t stop my thoughts of Kev from rushing through it like errant flames greedily searching for oxygen…

And my whole brain exploded like a flash fire, searing all my rational thoughts to ash.

I imagined inching the modesty towel lower, my slick fingers gliding down his spine, until his entire body was bare to me, and there was no need for modesty at all.

I ran a hand down my thigh over my jeans. My body was dense and muscled, very different than Kev’s. What would it be like to feel his slimmer form?

I rubbed a hand over my stubbled face and stared at my phone, remembering how Kev’s cheeks flushed when I teased him. Would they turn the same shade of pink when he was aroused? Would his breathing hitch if I dragged my finger over the curve of his ass? Would his legs spread for me automatically? Would I need to coax him?

“Elvo, my dude, you brought enough snacks for twelve people,” Jordan taunted, their voice barely filtering into my reverie. “Can you say oral fixation?”

My throat went dry.

I’d dreamed once about Kev getting on his knees for me in his lair, and it had been so hot I’d woken up rock hard. Now, my mind went in a whole other direction, where Kev turned over on the table, his eyes shining up at me in trust and wonder from behind those stupidly, sinfully sexy glasses.

I wanted to slide my hands over his pecs and abs. To take the warm, salty weight of him on my tongue. Was he cut or uncut? Trimmed or not? It suddenly seemed incredibly wrong that I didn’t know this and crucial that I find out.

“Aww. Poor Riggsy. Toss the boy a snack or something,” a female voice joked to raucous laughter. “Look at that sexy pout, you guys.”

Fuck, I needed to stop—I needed to stop immediately—but the pull of the vision was too strong. Instead, I imagined Kev’s lips, Kev’s sexy pout.

Sometimes, when he was concentrating hard or trying to hold back some emotion, he’d pull his lower lip into his mouth, sinking his teeth into it. It was almost as much of a tell as his finger tapping.

He’d do the sexy lip bite when I got my mouth on him, I’d bet every pip I had on it. I’d fucking make sure of it. His eyes would go unfocused. He’d moan too—long and loud, his voice hoarse and helpless. And he’d forget all about his stupid e-boyfriend, as well as every other guy he’d ever been with. All the power and skill in that fiercely brilliant brain of his would be focused on me and me alone. On what I could do for him, what I could do to him.

And when he came, he’d say my name like—

“Hux?” Kev waved a hand in front of me, then leaned down to peer into my face. “Hey,” he said softly. “I got here as fast as I could.” His glasses slid down his nose, thanks to his awkward position, and he pushed them back up impatiently. “Y’okay?”

My gaze found his and caught. Held. And all the breath left my body.

Good God, he was beautiful—like, all the way beautiful. His eyes, his body, his mind, his soul. And I… I wanted him.


And maybe that shouldn’t have been an earth-shattering revelation, but holy fuck, it felt like one. Like the world had turned upside down or become a chiaroscuro image of itself so that all the things that had, up until five minutes ago, driven me crazy about Kev now drove me crazy for him.

I sucked in a deep, desperate breath, and when I did, I could practically taste the lavender oil that some stranger had rubbed into Kev’s skin, overlaying his usual scent. For the first time in my life, I had the possessive urge to haul a man over my shoulder, cart him into the bathroom, and scrub him down until he smelled like my Kev again—bracing coffee and wholesome vanilla.

Whatever caveman look he saw on my face made Kev’s eyes flare wide, and then he frowned in confusion. My breath came hard and fast. I opened my mouth to say something, probably something extremely unwise—

“Huxley? Are you seeing visions over there or some shit?” Champ demanded. “Because you’re looking like that kid in that movie that one time, with the big eyes and the ‘I see dead people’ thing. You know the one I mean?”

I blinked, looked away, and slid back on the sofa all at once. “Uh, no. I’m good,” I croaked. I cleared my throat. “Just reflecting on the fact that you can’t make a movie reference that’s not two decades out of date, old man.”

Kev took a spot on the other end of the sofa. I felt his eyes on my face, but I couldn’t make myself look at him again.