Behind them was Hux. Finally. And then I could move.

I reached out my arms and felt the tears come. Within seconds, I was in his arms, held tight with the familiar bands of muscles that I hoped never ever let me go.

“Baby,” he cried into my hair. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Kevin, talk to me.”

“I’m okay,” I managed to croak. “Not hurt.”

I held on to him so tightly I could barely breathe. He murmured words of approval against my head, about how proud he was of me, what a good job I’d done, and how impressed everyone was.

I didn’t care about any of that.

“I love you too,” I breathed.

Hux pulled back and took a ragged breath. “Oh, fuck, Kev, how? After everything I—”

I shook my head to stop him. “I’m not happy you lied to me, and we’re going to talk about it. Tolls will be levied. Penalties will be paid. But I…” I swallowed while I tried to get my thoughts together. “I see now how you tried to end it after we started something in real life. And I didn’t let you.” I smiled at him. “Because I wanted to tell you about this amazing guy I was with. And I still feel that way.”

I wasn’t making much sense, but the adrenaline was still rushing through my system, and I couldn’t feel my hands and feet.

Hux held my face in his hands. “I love you. With everything I am. I promise I will never lie to you again.”

“I love you,” I said again before burying my face in his neck and inhaling his familiar sandalwood scent. Agents scrambled around the room, shouting commands and blocking off the area around the body.

“Let’s get you out of here.” Hux hefted me under the legs and carried me out of the room and down the hall before setting me down, but he still didn’t let me go, even when Champ came over to congratulate me on a job well done.

“You can be on my team any day, Kev,” Champ said, squeezing my shoulder.

Riggs came blasting out of the stairwell and sprinting down the hall, ripping me out of Hux’s arms to hug me tightly. “Thank fuck. Carter’s breathing down my neck asking for confirmation you’re unharmed.”

“Hey.” Hux elbowed Riggs out of the way with a glare to enfold me in his embrace again. “Get your own Dr. Rogers. This one’s mine.”

Jordan and Elvo appeared and slapped me on the back, uttering their own kudos while Riggs looked on and smiled.

All of that was great. Wonderful. But the only prize I wanted was the man who held me tight against his side.

It wasn’t until much later, after hours of FBI interviews and debriefings, that I was finally able to shower off the stress of the day. I was practically dead on my feet, but Hux was there to hold me up, keeping my head above water in more ways than one.

He washed my body reverently, taking his time to caress every part of me with his loving touch. Meanwhile, I ran my fingers through his crazy hair, caressed his piercing, and traced the tattoos on his chest with my tongue, basically doing everything possible to stop him from washing me efficiently, but he didn’t seem to mind. Not one bit.

“Champ told me you held him back from barging into the room before I’d gotten the confession.”

Hux looked up from where he knelt on the tiles. A soapy washcloth made its way up the back of my calf. Just looking at him naked, wet, and on his knees for me made my dick hard.

“Yeah,” he said.

“You trusted me to see it through.”

“Yeah,” he repeated, focusing back on my legs.

“It must have killed you,” I teased.

“Yeah,” he said for the third time. “That’s… an understatement right there.”

I tackled him to the ground, where we ended up exhausting ourselves with a sloppy, wet, but incredibly satisfying sixty-nine. In a matter of weeks, I’d gone from a virgin to someone initiating advanced sexual maneuvers in Las Vegas.

“I think… you’ve corrupted me,” I said in a gasping breath while still coming down from my orgasm.

Hux pressed a kiss to my hip before sitting up and pulling my damp body into his lap. I slumped against him. There was nothing more in my body to give.

“I’d like to apply to fill that role permanently,” he said, sounding more serious than usual. I glanced up at him.


“The timing is bad, I get that. Maybe you need more time to figure things out, once all this chaos is done, and that’s… that’s fine. I’ll follow whatever timeline you’re comfortable with. But I need you to know you’re it for me, Kevin.” He took a breath. “I thought I was in love with you yesterday. Last night. This morning. But with every new thing I learn about you, I swear I fall in love just a little bit more. So I would really like the chance to move forward with you. To get to fall in love with you over, and over, and over again. Forever.”