As Wyatt filled Bang Bang in on their celebrity host, Roman walked with Mimic and Mustang up to the front door.

“It feels good to have you back, Roman.” Mimic put an arm around him and hugged him, head resting on his shoulder.

“And it feels great to be back.”

“How was it in there?” Mustang asked, opening the door and letting them inside, a blast of fresh air-conditioning instantly refreshing them from the slightly oppressive desert heat. It was spring, so it wasn’t as hot as it could get, but still, Roman appreciated the A/C.

“It was pretty bad, I won’t lie. Thankfully I had Bang Bang to keep me sane, but the first few weeks in solitary were torture. I could only do so many laps around the cell before I started to lose my mind.”

“I can’t even imagine,” Mustang said, hand on his back.

“It’s all good, though. I’m out and ready to get even. We’re going to finish the job and won’t ever have to worry about shit again.”

“That sounds like a plan to me,” Mustang said, plopping herself down on the bright red couch that resembled a pair of lips. There were framed pop art pieces all around the bright orange walls, the colors somehow finding a chaotic balance instead of clashing against each other. There was a shaggy blue carpet and a marble statue of RuPaul holding her hands up that filled most of the corner. A wall-to-wall bookcase held an assortment of books, arranged so that it appeared like a rainbow was dripping down the walls.

The rest of the crew made their way inside, all of them gooped and gagged by the decor. They split off in search of bedrooms, each pair claiming one for their own.

“Hold up,” Phantom said outside of one of the rooms. “Do I have to share with Tor?”

“Unless one of you wants to take the couch,” Mimic said, backpack hanging off one shoulder and Mustang off the other. Roman wiggled past them, heading straight for the bathroom. He considered inviting Wyatt in for a shower but thought they’d never make it out of their room for the rest of the day. Plus, he wanted to wash off all the prison grime before he and Wyatt made the most out of their reunion.

He washed up and threw on a pair of clean khaki shorts and a black T-shirt that Wyatt had brought for him. He padded barefoot into the living room, still slightly damp, finding Wyatt and Bang Bang playing cards with Phantom and Doc. He sat down and watched, enjoying the feeling of being freshly showered and spending time with close friends.

About half an hour later and they were joined by the girls, Mimic and Mustang, along with Theo, all of them appearing refreshed. Roman clapped his hands and stood up, deciding now was as good a time as any to get the real party started. This wasn’t a vacation. They had shit to do, and they needed to do it fast, before Leonidas came up with some other messed-up plan to land them all either behind bars or under six feet of dirt.

“Alright, Rainbow’s Seven, we’ve got some work ahead of us.” Roman looked around at the assorted faces, a sense of family nestling inside of his heart. He’d do anything to make sure his friends were safe and happy, and that meant finishing this job.

“It’s been one hell of a day, and I’m sure all of us are ready to get to bed, but first, I want to talk about what’s next. I think it’s safe to say we all want Leonidas to pay for what he’s done, but I expect more. I want his entire Pride to pay, and I want it all to go directly into our bank accounts. I want the tome, and I want those scumbags wiped off the face of this earth. Think we can make that happen?”

That got a round of cheers and claps out of the gang. Roman smiled. He was back in the driver’s seat, and that thrilled him to no end. This was what he lived for. Being able to lead his people to victory, sharing in their glee.

Sharing it with Wyatt.

He couldn’t wait until they could ride off into the sunset together, leaving all their cares and worries trailing in their boat’s wake.

But first, he needed the tome. “Let’s start at step one: finding the tome. Mustang, I think your Pride contact is key here. He might know where Leonidas is keep—”

“Yeah, about that… Alejandro is dead. Leonidas killed him right before we went to rescue you. That’s how our aquarium hideout was blown.”

Roman pursed his lips, cracked his knuckles. “Damn. Alright, so that’s not ideal. But you’ve got his number and his information, correct?”

“Yeah, but I don’t know how much that’ll help us with him being dead and all.”