He looks at me as he reaches for the button on his black jeans.

I’m not sure if I should say something or wait and see what he does. I didn’t even really say he could be here, let alone undress in my bedroom.

“Can I tell you a secret, Aubrey?”

I nod.

He pulls down his zipper. “The first time you turned me on was the night you nearly drowned. When I was holding you in my lap and you were struggling to get away from me.”

My heart beats in my throat.

“Is that fucked up?” he asks, letting go of the zipper.

I shake my head. “I don’t think so. I was moving around on your lap, so your body probably got confused.”

He shakes his head slowly, kicking off his white sneakers. “No, I wasn’t confused.”

“Oh. Okay,” I say, unsure how to respond to that.

I suck in a breath as he pushes the jeans down past his hips, then steps out of them and stands there in just a pair of stark white boxer briefs.

Holy shit.

Finally, he climbs on the bed. He comes toward me and I don’t know what to do, so I start to scoot away to make room for him.

Quick as lightning, he grabs my hips and drags me down, forcing me on my back on the bed. I gasp as he climbs on top of me, straddling me, then braces his hands on the mattress and looks down at me.

The dark look in his eyes makes it hard to breathe.

“It was the struggle I liked.”

My eyes widen.

“I liked that you were trying to get away from me and I wouldn’t let you.”

I try to swallow, but my throat doesn’t seem to be working.

“And when we were playing the other night? I liked when you were afraid.”

He uses the side of his finger to trace the curve of my face. I stiffen at the contact. I don’t mean to, it’s just the stuff he’s saying… I’m not sure how to take it.

He smiles, but there’s a devious tilt to it. “You’re afraid right now, and I like that, too.”

I lick my lips, but it’s pointless. My mouth is so dry. “I’m not afraid.”

He leans down, putting his full weight on me and resting his forearms on either side of my head. “You’re not?”

He looks so serious.

“I think you’re messing with me,” I say, my heart pounding in my throat.

He laughs softly, looking down. “Maybe I am.” Then he looks back into my eyes, his smile dissipating. "But what if I'm not?"

I don’t know.

Why would he like to scare me?

“Anae thinks I’m too dark for you,” he says.

I hate that he’s bringing her up right now, but I’m more confused by the way he’s bringing her up—as if they’ve discussed the possibility of a relationship between us. That’s insane. No one talks to their girlfriend about other girls they’re interested in.

“What do you think?” he asks.

“I… I think Anae and I probably wouldn’t agree on much.”

He nods. “It’s true. You’re nothing alike.”

“Do you like to scare her?”

He smirks and shakes his head. “Anae doesn’t get scared. Not of things like this, anyway.”

“Oh.” I hesitate. “Do you like that?”

He shakes his head. “Not particularly.”

“Do you like me?”

He smiles, shifting his weight to one hand so he can thread his fingers through my hair and cup the side of my head. “Very much.” His thumb strokes my face, a devilish glint dancing in his eyes. “Do you like me?”

My heart fills to bursting at his teasing. My brain tells me to hold my tongue, that I’m being lulled into a false sense of comfort and he doesn’t need verification of what he already knows, that I’m signing a contract I can’t fulfill, but I can’t look into those beautiful eyes of his and say anything but the truth. “More than I want to,” I admit.


He leans in and kisses me again, and this time, it’s impossible to hold back. I wrap my legs around his waist, buzzing as the weight of him comes to rest between my legs. My hand slides along his hard jaw to his neck. He shifts, and I gasp against his lips as I feel his cock pressed between my thighs.

“Do you feel what you do to me?” he asks roughly before biting at my bottom lip. His hand covers my boob and he squeezes, triggering a whole new wave of arousal between my thighs.

“Dare,” I gasp.

He pulls his mouth from mine, and I feel bereft immediately. My fingers sink into his dark hair as he slides down my body, kissing and sucking my tender flesh as he works on getting my shirt off. I lift my arms, letting him pull it over my head. He tosses it on the floor, then he’s back up and kissing me again.

I was wearing pajamas, so I don’t have a bra on underneath. His hand covers the soft globe and he squeezes it again, kissing me harder, bruising my lips.