‘Simpler, perhaps, but do you know, Khalil, I’m not sure I would change a thing about what we’ve shared. Our love has been forged in fire, tested at many points, and I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that it’s the kind of love that will survive anything. Anything. So long as we live, and love—’

‘And trust,’ he finished, dropping his forehead to hers before brushing their lips together.

Thirty minutes later, after more reflecting on their love, and the circumstances that had brought them to it, they returned to the Court Rooms, hand in hand.

The three guests were still there, and as the doors opened they turned, as one, to the couple.

‘The wedding is off,’ Khalil said, with a broad grin, which brought a corresponding frown to the faces of his parents and Astrid.

‘What? Why?’ Astrid looked from one to the other.

‘Because, my dear cousin, when you love someone with your whole heart, as I do India, it is not enough to marry like this. I want to shout it from the rooftops. I want a wedding that the whole kingdom hears of.’ He turned to face India then, his voice ever so slightly uneven. ‘I want everyone in the world to know that I have fallen in love with the woman I intend to spend the rest of my life attempting to deserve.’ He squeezed India’s hand, before turning back to Astrid. ‘And we will count on you to help us organise it.’

Astrid beamed as she swept towards them, pulling India into her arms in an enormous hug. ‘Of course! This is a far better idea, cousin. I’m glad you are not completely brainless after all.’ She drew back and winked at India, in time for Khalil’s parents to appear.

‘Your Highnesses.’ India pulled free of Astrid and Khalil and dipped into a low curtsy.

It was Khalil’s father who laughed, a gruff noise, before putting a hand on India’s forearm. ‘My dear girl, please stop that at once.’

She shifted an uncertain glance at Khalil.

‘You are to marry our son. You clearly make him happier than we have ever seen him. We’re family now. We do not need to stand on ceremony.’

And then, Khalil’s mother hugged her, and India fought back more tears, but the kind that were drawn from the happiest wellspring a person could possess. Somehow, she’d found her way to family, to home, and every single part of her was whole again. She smiled, and wondered if she’d ever stop.