‘Thank you, Doctor. What do we do now?’

‘You’ve really already done the important thing,’ the doctor said with a wink, then apparently sensed the tone of the room and sobered. ‘I will bring some pregnancy vitamins to you later today, as well as information on diet and lifestyle habits to support a healthy pregnancy. Twin pregnancies are generally considered higher risk than single, though in someone of your age and obvious good health, I am not concerned. I’ll schedule another scan for you at twelve weeks.’

‘Higher risk as in...something might go wrong?’ India asked, latching onto the question, feeling Khalil’s eyes on her.

‘There is a slightly higher risk, yes,’ the doctor said gently. ‘The first trimester is when a miscarriage is most likely—but you are already eight weeks. It is also likely the twins will be born early—anywhere from thirty-six weeks, sometimes even sooner.’

Perspiration dampened India’s brow and she pressed a hand to her stomach, a fierce need to do whatever she could to protect her babies rushing through her.

‘What can I do?’ she asked.

‘Nothing.’ Dr Abasha smiled kindly. ‘Eat well, get plenty of rest, avoid stress, relax. And wait.’

India closed her eyes, because such simple instructions were almost impossible for her to follow. Her life back home was not relaxing, stress was a constant companion, she wasn’t sleeping and as for eating well—it depended on what she could afford.

‘Okay, sure,’ she said, fighting back tears. ‘I can do that.’ For her babies, she’d find a way. And she knew what that would mean. Selling the family home. She’d been determined to hold onto it for Jackson, and when she’d found out that she was pregnant, the idea of raising her babies in the home she’d lived in with her parents had made her feel that they would be a part of the baby’s life, but it was more important to take care of her pregnancy in the here and now.

By selling the home, she could free up enough cash to buy a small apartment that she’d own outright. That would alleviate some worries. But what about the medical bills and Jackson’s college fees? It would quickly chew through the capital, so whatever she had to spend on an apartment would quickly diminish.

She was conscious of Khalil walking the doctor out, thanking her for her time before closing the door, pressing his back to it. Once they were alone, she realised, belatedly, that she hadn’t corrected the doctor on something.

‘I won’t be here this afternoon,’ India said quietly, standing on legs that were so full of adrenaline and surprise they wobbled a little. She had to get out of Khatrain, and fast. Something about the discovery she was carrying twins made everything seem more urgent—and dangerous.

Khalil’s brow lifted in a silent encouragement for her to continue.

‘The doctor said she’d bring some vitamins and information to me, but I won’t be here. Do you think she could come back sooner?’

‘I think,’ Khalil said, his voice quiet yet determined, ‘that your place is now in Khatrain. Not only will you be here this afternoon, India, you will be here from now on.’