Page 11 of Dirty Owner

Chapter 6: Aurora

“Wakeywakey,princess.”I pull the covers over my head as Ford tries to wake me up.

“Noooo,” I groan and hide under the sheet.

“I have a tee time set up and I want you to come with me.”

I pull the sheets down to my nose,

“What? Tee time? What are you talking about?”


Ford gets up off of the bed and heads to the bathroom.

“We’re playing golf?”

“Yup!” Ford yells out from the bathroom.


Suddenly, the sheets are ripped off me and I lay there, naked, gripping my naked body in my arms.


Ford sits on the side of the bed and I feel my body start to heat.

“If you’re a good girl,” he says as he traces my lip with his finger, “I’ll give you a reward.”

Then he gently picks me up and brings me to the shower where we do a lot more than wash our hair. Despite some aching, when I open my legs, he sinks into me. I had no idea sex could be this good. The way Ford pleasures me—he doesn’t have to be touching me, he only needs to say dirty words and I feel like I’m going to combust. He says things like, ‘you like this baby?’ or ‘I’m going to fuck this little hole now’ and I get overwhelmed with my excitement.

Ford drives us to the golf course and I look out the window at the expanse of hills and green grass. I’ve never golfed before. I don’t know any of the rules or what to do, but I enjoy being with Ford so I’m happy just following him.

He takes me by the hand, the caddy walking beside us, and Ford starts to golf. He keeps offering me a chance but I say no. I want to watch the way his body moves as he pulls back and hits the small ball into the air.

His clothes are quite different from what he wore to the auction. Instead of a black suit he’s wearing beige chinos and a polo shirt. It’s a strange look for a man who just had sex with me in the shower, but somehow he pulls it off. Though by how he’s yanking at his shirt, I’m not sure he likes the clothes. I see the other men at the golf course who are wearing the same thing but in different colors and I realize this place has a dress code.

I’m wearing a pink dress that goes to my knees and white runners. When I look at the other women here I feel like I don’t belong, but it isn’t out of the ordinary that people would think I’m a weirdo.

We get to the last hole and Ford asks me one more time if I want to try. It’s a small hit. The ball is just a few feet from the hole.

“What if I miss? I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“I’ll teach you.”

He stands behind me and gives me the putter. My back is to his front and he whispers in my ear.

“Just hit it lightly. You can see there’s a bit of a hill, so hit toward the far side of the hole.”

I pull back and hit the ball. I watch with bated breath as it slowly rolls toward the hole. When it goes in, I scream with excitement.

“Oh my God! I did it! Yay!” I hop around in my excitement, and he picks me up in his arms.

“I did it,” I tell him, as if he wasn’t the one who did most of the work.

“Yes, baby. You did. Maybe next time you can do more and get your own ball in the hole.”

He gives me a wink and sets me down on my feet. I look around and see a few people looking at us funny and I blush.